Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood Princess

The ghost of sarcastic comments and other tales

by CyanideChild_ 3 reviews

Unexpeceted twist, and the fight between alex and frank....

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-02-07 - Updated: 2010-02-08 - 2487 words - Complete

Yes Sam- you got the Doctor Who reference. It saddens me to know that we are both geeks – you for knowing it, and me for writing it. And yes, it was ‘Masquerade’ little red riding hood with a twist, but Harley. Bloody hell, seriously I had a dream along those lines and I can’t hear people im going to eat you. All I think of is – ‘there are different ways to eat my dear…’ Thanks for your loyal reviews btw ;]] It would be nice it other people reviewed too yknow. Don’t just lurk! I don’t bite. Much…
‘Well, lets go back to the middle of the day that starts it all!!! I cant begin to let you know just what im feeling!’ I sang at the top of my lungs. I cradled both Mikey and Gerard’s heads in my lap, and this torrent of tears never seemed to bloody stop. I picked up the gun that Mikey still held limply, and threw it at the other wall. It went off again and hit me in the shoulder. Great one. Ouch. That fucking hurt! I clenched my teeth around the pain, and clenched the muscles in my shoulder. The bullet slid out as my skin healed itself.
Pretty cool if I do say so my self. But back to the matter at hand.
‘And now the red ones make me fly and the blue ones help me fall, and I think I’ll blow my brains against the ceiling…’ I trailed off when I realised that’s exactly what Mikey had done to Gerard. Except his brains weren’t on the ceiling. He simply had a small red mark in his head. He was pale, paler than I’d ever seen him – and he looked as though he were sleeping… But I knew different. The head in my lap moved and i adjusted myself, to make myself more comfortable. Then I realised the head in my lap had moved. I looked curiously down at both heads, and noticed something that I hadnt before hand.
Gerard’s eyes were open
‘Aieeeee!!!!!’ I screamed, throwing his head off my lap, and onto the cold floor. He frowned at me, rubbing his head before sitting up. Unnervingly, his bullet wound did the same as my shoulder. It popped out. I winced, and held Mikey’s head closer to me, as in comfort.
‘G-Gerard?’ Hoping in my heart of hearts that Mikey had not died for nothing. Gerard looked at me and smirked.
‘Who else?’
‘No,’ I said sceptically. ‘Fake Gerard or the real Gerard?’ Gerard sniffed.
‘Real Gerard.’ He answered examining his nails. I rolled my eyes.
‘How am I supposed to know that? Lets see… Okay, there’s like a pixie, a man one, wearing woman’s clothes, yeah?’ Gerard nodded, clearly thinking I was insane. ‘its all like, what would you rather do? Taiquando or karate?’ What an idiotic thing to say. Clearly I was not going to know whether Gerard would have chosen karate or Taiquando. Duh. Gerard on the other hand seemed really into it.
‘Oh my god! That’d be so cool! It’d be like, the drag queen fairy, coming up to you and being all like – what do you wanna do today…’ He noticed my blank stare, and coughed. ‘Um yeah Karate?’ I giggled. That sounded like my Gerard all right. I leant forward to embrace him, but the body of his brother stood in my way. I looked down at Mikey and the tears filled up and spilled over my eyes again. I brushed away a strand of hair that ways falling across his face. I looked up at Gerard who was looking at Mikey as though he’d killed someone. Then he looked back at himself.
‘No!’ He groaned. ‘ I thought this was some crazy dream. Where I found you again and everything would be all right! The stupid kid killed himself!!!’ Gerard flung him self into my lap and on Mikey’s chest. He didn’t make a sound, he just clutched Mikey’s shirt, and cried silently into his chest. I hung my head. Wishing that it didn’t have to be this way. Wishing…
Gerard and I both looked up. We locked eyes, and then looked at the ceiling. I was sure that was Sam’s scream … she was screaming for Frankie? I looked around only just noticing she was gone. Gerard looked at me, his eyes red and watery still. I shook my head a fraction, and his face relaxed and he went back into Mikey’s chest. I gazed into Mikey’s open face, so innocent in his death, and I cried once more. A hand touched mine, and I realised that Gerard was looking to me, for comfort, for advice, for reassurance that it would all be okay. I kissed Mikey’s forehead, gripping his brother’s hand tightly. Mikey glowed, and we both inched back, looking at the glowing body. A carbon copy of Mikey floated out of his body, slightly translucent, and pale. I squeaked. Call me crazy – but… is that a fucking ghost?
Mikey turned over in mid air, resting on his stomach. He pointed at me.
‘You, have got the most annoying voice ever – especially when you sing the same song, over and over again.’ He groaned turning over and over in mid air, making me feel ill. Then when he was resting on his stomach again, he pointed at Gerard who was wide eyed and a vein in his jaw was jumping.
You owe me.’ I spluttered. Gerard spluttered. Mikey cocked his head at both of us.
‘Mikey.’ I managed to choke out. ‘You’re dead!’ He nodded at me.
‘Wonderful observation. So I am. Well. More so than I was before. Did you catch my doctor who quote before I went?’ He looked incredibly pleased with himself. ‘ I wanted some memorable last words, so I though I’d steal the great David Tennant’s’ He frowned. ‘Wish Sam was here. She would have got it.’
‘Mikey, you’re a fucking ghost!!’ Gerard squawked, in a voice that shouldn’t be possible for a man. Mikey righted himself, and floated so he was kneeling next to me and Gerard. He stuck his hand in my face. It felt like someone had thrown a bucket of water on my face. Fuck. That’s not cool. Like not cool.
‘So I am. Again, well observed bro,’ He said smugly. I glared at him.
‘You were never this annoying when you were alive,’ I said huffily. Gerard rugby tackled me, laughing.
Didn’t see that one coming.
We rolled over and over laughing. Mikey observed us, with a wry smile.
‘My brothers alive!! He’s not dead!! I fucking love you!!’ He tickled me, until I was gasping for breath.
‘Technically im dead, but don’t let me spoil your fun,’ Mikey called, over his shoulder, while he drifted in and out of inanimate objects. I smiled.
Mikey suddenly stopped.
‘Someone just died.’ He said quietly. Gerard and I stopped laughing and looked at him curiously.
‘What?’ Gerard said propping himself up on one elbow, gazing at Mikey in concern. Mikey was looking up, through the thick ceiling, as though he could see through it. Which he probably could. But anywho.
He cocked his head at me.
‘You’re probably going to want to go see Sam now. She’s pretty upset.’ He grinned. ‘Ima stay here. See you later,’ He faded away, the last thing to disappear being his face, and grin, which largely reminded me of the Cheshire cat from Alice and Wonderland. Freaky….
Gerard took my hand and we ran up the stairs to the sound of screaming.
We exchanged looks, and I rolled my eyes.
Jesus. You leave Sam alone for ten minutes….

‘FRANKIE!!!!’ Sam screamed from the throne, dropping her champagne glass. Brendon steepled his fingers, and smirked to himself. Frank stood heroically in the doorway. His chest heaving, the sweat dripping off of him in waves. That does sound really unattractive – but trust me, it looked good on Frankie. Alex, picked up his own sword a much more impressive one than Frank’s and twirled it with a flourish. Frankie rolled his eyes and muttered something that sounded like ‘posh twats’ underneath his breath. There was a large open space in front of the throne, where Alex stepped forwards and glared at Frankie. Frank once again rolled his eyes.
‘Who the fuck are you!?’ He spat incredulously, as Sam sat rigid in her seat, watching with wide eyes. Alex smiled.
‘I’m her boyfriend,’ He winked. Sam spluttered from her seat.
‘Like fuck you are!’ Frank said loudly, and swung his sword viciously at Alex’s head. Alex parried with a flick of his wrist. Frank let go of his sword, accidentally. He grinned to himself.
‘Silly, silly.’ He said under his breath. He bent down to pick up his sword, at the same time Alex swung in a wide arc to behead Frank. In the ploy of picking up his sword, Frank shot forward and tackled Alex, launching them both to the ground. Frank gained control, and was on top punching Alex viscously.
‘Go get em Frankie!!’ Sam yelled whooping while Brendon watched, bored. ‘Its like Frerard but not as juicy!’ Frank rolled his again.
‘Stop rolling your eyes Frank you look demented!’ She yelled from the chair. She giggled. Then fell off the chair. He hat fell off her head and rolled towards the fight. She giggled again and crawled after it. Brendon smiled widely. Now things were getting interesting.
Frank stood, and was about to give Alex a final blow, when the both noticed Sam, practically in-between them, fooling around with some hat with bunny ears. Alex grinned maliciously, feinting as though to stab her, Sam saw this and screamed shrilily. Frank dived in front of her, and Alex stabbed a small gold handled dagger into Frank’s stomach. Frank closed his eyes, and made a face.
‘For fucks sake.’ He muttered, grabbed hold of Alex’s neck, and twisted sharply to one side then the other. Alex’s neck snapped, and he fell limply to the floor.
Frank laid on the floor with exhaustion, and possibly the fact that he’d just been stabbed in the stomach.
‘Frankie! You got stabbed you silly billy!’ Sam giggled oblivious to it all. Frank raised his head, seeing double. He focused his gaze on Brendon who was clapping slowly and sarcastically, and ignored the fact that he was going to kill him later.
‘Sober her up will you?’ he said groggily. Brendon laughed. He magicked up a glass of water and gave it to Sam who gulped it down happily. Then it refilled. She looked confused. So she downed it again. Fill and repeat.
‘Do you think we could get one of those ‘what keeps blondes amused for hours’ cards?’ Brendon asked to Frank out of the corner of his mouth.
‘She’d totally fall for it.’ Frank agreed. Then he frowned.
‘Hey? Girlfriend of mine who I just fought for? Im bleeding here!’ Sam looked at him, sober and horrified.
‘Jesus Christ Frank! Your idiot! I told you I was safe!! You’re a twat! Can you walk? I cant believe you got stabbed! Its like the time you jumped off a tower – but with more blood! Oh, Jesus, Frank, I gotta tell you what happened to Gerard-‘
And with that Sam filled Frank in on the juicy story so far. In-between fussing on his that is.
‘Fuck. Ing. Hell’ Frank said slowly, sitting gingerly on Georgia’s throne.

Gerard and I walked up the stairs. And then stopped and exchanged looks. Okaaay. Brendon was standing around looking out of place. Alex was dead in the middle of the ballroom floor. Frank was sitting on my throne, and Sam was dressed up looking ridiculous…. Well ridiculously cool. I wanna get me some of that hat.
‘Why are you on my throne Frankie?’ I said wryly strolling up to them as if nothing was out of the ordinary.
Frank smiled at me, and I noticed he was bleeding. Before I could ask him why, he stood up and punched Gerard in the face. I frowned, and Frank turned round and smiled, and I punched him back. Sam looked furious and punched me. So I punched her back for good measure. So we we’re all standing there with nosebleeds, trying not to smell the scent of the others blood. Frank glared at me.
‘What did you hit me for!?’
‘What did you hit me for!’ Gerard said annoyed, trying to the flow.
‘Fake Gerard!’ Frank said, annoyed himself.
‘that’s not fake Gerard, you silly little fuck. That’s real Gerard!’
I filled him in what had happened downstairs. And how we now had a sarcastic ghost haunting our basement. Frank looked amazed by it all. Sam however was giving Frank very pointed, very obviously looks. Frank rolled his eyes.
‘He’s been doing that a lot lately’ Sam said grinning. ‘Cant imagine why.’
Frank gripped the back of Gerard’s head, and kissed him, hard, on the mouth. Gerard’s eyes widened then closed as he went along with the kiss. Sam and I, looked on slack jawed. When they finally released each other, they were out of breath and panting. I made a little funny noise in the back of my throat. Sam squeaked. They looked at us both smugly.
‘Frerard for the win.’ I said in a strange voice. I swear. I had a female boner. Phwaorrr!
‘Happy now?’ Frankie said to Sam, gathering her up in his arms. The snuggled, and Eskimo kissed, and Gerard and I stood there watching. We looked at each other, and shook our heads quickly. No. We were not going to do that. Like no.
But however… We did slip away to my now empty bedroom, which had convinent candles flickering in the darkness.
And… no. Im not going to tell you the rest of the night you perverts
Seriously! All I’m going to say is that, we were verrrrry happy to see each other again.

All you fools who haven’t read the umbrella academy – go and fucking get it. Got a special edition yesterday as an early Valentines from my best friend. (Darn it I wasn’t planning on getting him anything…) It’s a may zing. Seriously. Buy it. Now.
And Oh yes. I heard a rumour that there’s an amazing story on this here Ficwad called ‘Vampires will never hurt you, but Lycans might’ by Bubbly_Gum. You’re going to go check this out now aren’t you? Yes you are, Buh bye…
Wait K review my story first or I’ll shoot you.
Lav you ;]]
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