Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood Princess

Let the fun begin

by CyanideChild_ 4 reviews

Mikey makes a sacrifice, but is it all in vain? Georgia breaks - can she take anymore? And Sam and Brendon get wankered, and Frankie turns up... oops

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-02-02 - Updated: 2010-02-02 - 1338 words - Complete

Brendon sat in his room, smiling seductively to himself. He loved his new powers. All the vampires – male and female, fell, fawning at his feet. All he had to do, was shoot them a loaded glance, or a wink, and they’re putty in his hands. He contemplated taking Georgia for a moment. Then dismissed it as not being worth the fuss. Bert would flip his shit, and the little red head would hate on him forever… Ahh. Now there was an interesting concept. The little red head… Samantha? She’d make a good treat. Brendon smiled again, swirling a finger in his red wine. Then his eyes widened and he glanced out the window. His eyes sight maginified on a strong, standing individual moving at a steady pace towards the Castle. He’d be here by next Twilight. Brendon mused. He looked closer, and found with glee that it was Sam’s consort – Frank. Brendon giggled to himself, plotting away in his head. There were a million evil thoughts, swimming around his head. Swirling, as though they were drunk and…. Drunk?
Brendon smiled once more. He looked at his wine.
The only wine that could get a vampire drunk. It was infused with the richest blood… He laughed openly now, as he took a bottle, and two glasses, and whistled a tune to himself while walking out the door.

‘And by doing this. We’ll both die. But you’ll stay dead. I wont.’ Fake Gerard said smoothly. Mikey nodded, not really listening. He was thinking about never seeing Georgia again. About never smiling and laughing with Frank and Sam. Or teasing Bob with the camera. Or playing with Ray’s hair… Mikey’s eyes filled up again, and, and… Fake Gerard’s fangs tore into his throat.
Mikey’s tears spilled over, and he was crying openly, his eyes clenched shut from the pain. The door to the basement opened, and the rushing sounds of light footsteps was heard, along with Georgia’s frantic cries. Mikey relaxed slightly. She cared for him. That was enough.
But there was a nagging feeling in his gut, and he realised something, that hurt him. It was a selfish thought and he tried to banish it – but it wouldn’t die…

I hurtled down the stairs.
‘Mikey! Mikey, no!’ I came to an abrupt stop, when I saw Mikey and Fake Gerard in the centre of the room, locked in a seemingly passionate embrace. Sam crashed into me from behind, and we both tumbled to the ground. We both sat up groggily, and shook out heads. From this angle I could see that they weren’t kissing, that Fake Gerard’s fangs were wrapped around Mikey’s thorax.
‘Woah. Waycest!’ Sam said stupidly, looking up at them both. Mikey stifled a laugh. I locked eyes with him. I couldn’t let him go. I could not, and would not sacrifice Gerard’s little brother. I stood up, but I could see, by Mikey’s eyes that it was too late. The mischievous gleam he always had, even in his sorrow – was fading. His light brown eyes – so alike to Gerard’s yet so different, were dulling over. His breath came in a rattle. It hurt me to look at him. I reached out, to try to stop them, but Sam held me back. Mikey. Weakly bought a gun up to the Fake Gerard’s head. I fell to me knees, sobbing into my hands, not wanting, and not willing to watch anymore.
Sam shook her head and marched back up the stairs and away from the terrible thing that was about to happen. Mikey’s finger found the trigger. He looked at me, weakly.
‘I don’t want to go,’ he said weakly. I reached out.
My hand fell limply to my side, as both of the Way brothers fell in a crumpled heap. I screamed long and loud into my hands. It was over. So much for my happy ending.

Sam walked blindly through the Castle. She didn’t know what to do. How to act. She’d heard the shots. She’d heard Georgia’s muffled scream, as she’d sobbed, into her hand. Sam walked faster, wishing, not for the first time that she had her Frankie. To be in his illustrated arms, to feel his strong arms around her. To breathe in his scent – the scent of happiness, excitement, hyperness, guitars and skittles. Sam laughed a little to herself when she said that. Then she was brought back to reality when she walked straight into Brendon. He smiled demurely at her, and she felt herself fall under his spell. The last thought she had to herself, before she slipped into gaga land was….. uh, oh

‘Why Sam!’ Brendon purred eyeing her dishevelled form, and helping her find her feet. ‘Just the pretty little one I’ve been hoping to find.’ Sam blushed, the redness filing her white marble cheeks. Brendon took her arm, and offered her a glass of freshly poured wine. She took it with a delighted smile, and swigged the glass. Brendon raised his eyebrows. This was going to be easier than he thought. He jerked his head to Sam’s follower Alex, to accompany them, and then Brendon led her away on a tour of the Castle.

‘And then, and then...’ Sam hiccupped ‘I was like. Like, she got on his trousers!’ Sam cackled with laughter, while Brendon smirked. Sam stopped laughing abruptly. She shook her head. ‘No. That’s not right. I said, she got into his /pants/. Yes that’s it. Pants. Not-‘ Sam burped and covered her mouth quickly, looking shocked at herself.
She was sitting on Bert’s ornate throne, her legs thrown over the side, in a long coat, a men’s shirt and pink and green converse. She’d told Brendon she was dressing up as Doctor Who. Which doctor who, wore a mad hatter’s top hat with bunny ears, he didn’t know. But he let her indulge simply because the fun was getting closer.
He watched her now, her red hair everywhere, her cheeks and the tip of her nose pink, from the alcohol. She was breathless and telling stories; about her and Frankie, her and Georgia, or just little things she’d observed while she’d been a kitchen maid. Brendon had never laughed so much in his life. He was beginning to take a shine to lil’ Red he really was.
‘And she’d read this story about a different take on little red riding hood,’ Sam slurred, ‘And she got so freaked out- she had a dream about it… and the big bad wolf – who wasn’t a wolf, it was Gerard, and he laughed so hard when she told him – he said to her… There are different ways to eat, my dear,’ Brendon laughed again, picturing Georgia’s face when she woke up. Then he laughed again, because there was a minor vampire on Bert’s throne. And she was wearing a top hat.
And bunny ears.
And she was drunk. Which made it all the more amusing.
Brendon sat up when he heard the commotion out side the door. He grinned to himself, and nodded to Alex, who in turn nodded grimly.
‘I agreed, I’d fight and die for her.’ He said heroically. Brendon snorted and waved his hand at him dismissively. His eyes were on the door, which burst open to reveal a man, covered in ink, his eyes blazing an olive green. His black hair was messy, and covered one eye. The man stood there breathing heavily, looking up at the huge throne, upon which sat Sam. She was still mumbling away when she noticed the man. Her eyes widened, and she all but sobered up in a second.
‘Let the fun begin’ Brendon said steepling his fingers, as Alex pushed Sam back and drew a sword of his own.
Let the fun begin…
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