Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Art Of Love

Yellow Smiley Faces

by death_b4_disco 2 reviews

'I was crying hysterically now trying to count my jagged breaths to calm me down.'

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2010-02-10 - Updated: 2010-02-10 - 434 words

A/N: okay, thankyou for the reviews. This is only a quicky I'm doing homework and I'm banned from my laptop until I feel better so I'm having to use my iPod. Sorry for anymistakes I'll clean them up when I get my laptop back. Enjoy!


Rhianne's POV

The train ride home had never felt so slow. I curled up in a ball on a seat and buried my face in my knees afraid to be seen. Finally my stop came and I ran off the train towards home.

I unlocked the door, my hands shaking. And bolted up the stairs.
"Hello love I thought you were-" Slam I didn't even wait to hear what my mother had to say. I had slammed the bathroom door as the acid rose up my throat. I managed to make it to the toilet bowl in time, throwing up the contents of my nearly empty stomach. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
"Honey are you okay?" my mum asked through the door realising it was locked.
"No!" I was crying hysterically now trying to count my jagged breaths to calm me down.
"Do you want anything?" I couldn't tell her what I wanted, an STD test and a pregnancy test, even though I knew the latter was totally unlikely due to the time of the month but I wanted to make sure. I fumbled through the bathroom cabinets to see if there was anything in there to settle my fears. There was nothing. I ran over the facts of my speculation and quickly pulled off my jeans. There was no way in hell you could see my tatoo while I was in trousers but the night of the party I had been in tights. I pulled up my jeans and ran into my room. I found the tights I had been wearing the night of the party and put them on. I looked in the mirror. Again, there was no way he could of seen my tatoo. I hadn't told anyone about my tatoo, it was a drunken dare, a small yellow smiley face on the inside of my left thigh. I don't even remembering getting it done. I sighed and faced the facts. The only way you could see my tatoo was if I was naked or in my underwear. I felt the acid rising again and thrashed my way to the bathroom, crying.

A/N: fake Australian accent like Rolf Harris well, can you guess who it is yet? normal English accent keep up the wonderful ratings and reviews! Loves you all!
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