Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Where'd he go?


by MCR_Vampire_321 1 review

Somebody else goes missing and Gerard shows up on the scene. Pretty short, but I hope you like it.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-02-10 - Updated: 2010-02-10 - 585 words - Complete

Franks POV...

I knew something was wrong. As soon as I got out of bed this morning I could sense something wrong. It wasn't just Gerards disappearance. Something else had happened.
I got dressed and walked through the tour bus. It's empty in here. So I got off the bus.
Ray was standing outside looking pretty worried "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked him.
He looked me in the eyes "Mikey's missing. And he didn't even leave a note."
I can't describe what I'm feeling. Mainly, sadness.
"Where's Bob?"
"Looking for Mikey. And Gerard."
"Damn, people need to stop walking off!"
Ray laughed slightly. It was a forced laugh. I don't think anything I could've said would have made him feel better.
"Maybe I should go help Bob..."
"No. Just stay here. I'm sick of everyone just walking off and disappearing!" Ray said, getting angry.
"Well then let's go togethor. We might get lucky and find them!"
Ray thought about it for a moment and evantually nodded "Fine. Let's go."
We started walking where Ray had seen Bob go. Maybe Bob had already found them. Who knows?
As we walked, my stomach growled angrily. I had been to concerned about Mikey and Gerard that morning to eat. Ray noticed it, so we stopped for a coffee and a bite to eat.
We sat down at the table and Ray got me some coffee and a muffin. Yum. Muffin.
We drank our coffee and talked about where Mikey and Gerard might've gone. We guessed that Mikey left to find Gerard, but it was just a guess. We still have no clue why Gerard would've left.
As we finished our coffee we stood up to go... Then the door opened and who was to walk in but Gerard Way.

Bobs POV...

Eugh! I'm sick of walking around looking for Mikey. My throat hurts from yelling his name and my feet hurt from walking. Wait a minute... Didn't I see that shop half an hour ago? I think I'm going round in circles.
"Mikey!" I yelled "MIKEY!"
I noticed a group of teenagers and walked over "Hey have you seen my friend? His name's Mikey and he's got brown hair and wears glasses. Looks like this." I showed them a picture of Mikey.
"Oh my god! You're Bob Bryar!" Then I saw one of the girls wearing a My Chemical Romance jacket.
"Uhhh yeah it's me." I said, slightly smiling at her.
"Can I have your autograph?"
"Actually, I'm kinda busy right now..."
"Is Mikey MISSING!?"
"Yeah. He disappeared this morning..."
She stepped out of the park gates, smiled and said "I'll help you find him!"
"Oh no, really, I don't need your help..."
I did need help, but this girl looked slightly weird. I mean kind of obsessed.
"No, it'll be no problem! I'd LOVE to help you find Mikey!"
I sighed "Fine. What's your name?"
"Chelsea. Let's start by searching over here!"
I could see Chelsea was a bossy girl and I didn't have time to argue. So I just followed.

Gerards POV...

Oh no. What are they doing here!? It's not time for me to go back yet. But they'll make me go back. I can tell by the way they're looking at me. But I can't let them find out. They'll be upset about why I didn't tell them.
I can't tell them. It could all go wrong and I'd have got their hopes up for nothing. I need to get out of here.
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