Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > life ain't always easy

'i wanna go home'

by themission 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-02-13 - Updated: 2010-02-13 - 395 words


Mikey's P.O.V

'I wanna go home,' I sobbed, desperate to be safe and away from anyone who could make this worse. But more than that, I wanted to be as far from Alicia as possible. Even the mere idea of her seeing me like this was unfair.

'I know, I know you do, but we gotta get you to the nurse. Then you can go home, I promise,' Gerard said to me before leaning down and kissing my hair, something he had done when I was little and couldn't sleep because of a bad dream.

I moaned, from a mixture of extreme pain and desperation to avoid the nurse at all costs. 'Please, I just wanna go home,' I begged, now unable to stop the tears that had been fighting against my eyes since the first kick. That was long enough to hold them. Now they wanted out.

'I know, Mikey, but Gerard's right. At least a few of your ribs are broken, and maybe your nose and arm, so we need to get you seen to soon.' Frank told me, helping my brother pull me to my feet. I cried out in pain several times, but I knew they were right and just went limp, instead of trying to fight. After I was standing they put each of my arms over their shoulders, Gerard being extra careful with my right one, and began to lead me forward. It was slow, and painful, but it got us there.

As we walked into school grounds, people stopped to stare at us, a few of them gasping and stepping forward. I saw Jamia stood a few feet away, staring, probably at the ugly bruises forming on Frank's neck from where he had been pinned. And then I saw Alicia.

She was stood on the other side of the parking lot, as beautiful as ever, wearing a dark blue silk top with skinny black jeans, heaps of eyeliner and red eye shadow, and pretty little heals. The look on her face was painful to see. She looked in pain herself, almost as if what had happened to me, had been done to her, or perhaps a puppy she was dearly fond of. A few tears escaped her eyes, running black down her face, and I craved for them to be for me.
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