Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > life ain't always easy

free from the world

by themission 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-02-13 - Updated: 2010-02-13 - 474 words

Mikey's P.O.V

'Just close your eyes, we'll be there soon.' Bob told me as I lay in his arms. I couldn't help being confused and scared-my mind was foggy and I couldn't see straight, either because of my glasses being cracked, or being kicked in the head. I didn't know which.

I did as he told me, but was soon being instructed by a kind sounding female voice to open them again. I tried, but I couldn't seem to find them. This scared me more, but the pain in my ribs stopped my from moving. Finally I found them, and opened them to see my brother and Frank on one side of me, and the nurse, Ray, Bob and a few teachers on the other.

'How are you feeling dear?' the nurse asked. What a stupid question..

'Crap..' I muttered, my voice weak, before remembering who I was in front of. My brother and friends snickered, but the head mistress didn't take my state of health right then as an excuse for that kind of language.

'Micheal Way, if I have to give you lunch time detention I will. The state of your face and ribs makes no difference to me.' Gerard couldn't help sticking up for me.

'Miss, he just woke up! He's groggy and isn't exactly gonna know what he's saying. Don't give him a detention,' the last part was a beg, and he even gave her his famous puppy dog eyes.

'This really isn't the time or place to discuss that,' the nurse scolded them, before turning to me. My heart started beating faster. 'Micheal, you've got several broken ribs, and your nose is broken too, although not badly. The bruises don't look too bad, and the ones on your ribs should be cleared up in about a week, maybe two, and the one on your face-' I groaned at that. Why did they have to bruise my face?-'will be gone in a few days,' Great..Alicia was really gonna fall for someone with disgusting purple bruises all over his face.. 'You should just go home and rest. I'll send Gerard with you, so he can make sure your okay.' At least Gerard would get a few days off school too.

The adults left us in the office then, going off to talk about who knows what. The temporary supply of energy sleeping had given me was wearing off by then, and I felt my head fall back as I drifted in and out of consciousness. I was aware of a hand on my shoulder, and looked up to see Gerard standing over me. His lips were moving, but I didn't hear the words-I was too far into sleep.

Finally, everything went black, and I was free from the world.
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