Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abducted

Fail Again, Try Again

by xFamousLivingDeadx 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-02-13 - Updated: 2010-02-14 - 638 words - Complete

The sun had finally come out it was time for me to find another guy. My dad gave Chris a shot of some medicine so he would forget everything that happen, we left him near a hospital but we made sure n one saw us. I started to wonder if I would ever find my husband even when I shouldn’t be thinking about marriage I was only eleven I wasn’t suppose to be worried about that. Sometimes I wish I could have a normal family I love my parents very much but this life style isn’t me, I don’t won’t to kidnap someone and make them love me that’s not true love. I look at my parents I can tell my mom really loves my dad maybe it wasn’t a bad idea if they can be happy then maybe so can I.

I look out the window watching the trees pass by there were nor houses in sight just fields of grass and woods it was beautiful though I could feel the warm sun shining on me, I wish this moment could last. Three hours later my dad pulled into a mall parking lot, the search has begun. My dad pulled the car way down a little so we would blend in with the crowed and so we wouldn’t be notice.

“Alright Frank do you see anyone you like, “My dad ask as he look out his window.

I look out of my window watching people get in their cars and leave, watching people laugh and smile. Seeing family’s laughing together as if they have no care in the world. I knew I had to pick someone I wanted to make sure I would like this guy before I said anything. 30 minutes have pass I still haven’t found one guy I would like.

“I’m sorry I just can’t find anyone, “I said while looking at my parents.

“Don’t worry Frank you will, it just takes time. We’re not going to be angry we want you to find the right for you, “Mom said as she look at me.

I felt better knowing at least my parents understood I kept on looking in hoping I would find someone. It seem like today wasn’t my luck to find someone. There were many guys just none I could like I felt as if I wasn’t meant to find someone like this.

“ If you don’t see someone you like Frank we can always go somewhere else and try, it doesn’t have to be today or event tomorrow, I want you to make sure you will like this guy, “ Dad said as he look at me through the rear-view mirror.

“Can we stay another ten minutes I just want to keep looking, “I ask while looking back at him.

“Of course we can stay as long as you want, just tell me when you’re ready, “Dad replied.

I turn back to look out of my window part of me did hope I would find someone and the other part of me knew this was wrong. I was about to tell my dad I was ready when I saw him. He had medium black hair with hazel eyes, and pale skin. He was taller then me he kind of look older then me, I no longer cared about if this was wrong I knew I wanted him. He look as if he wanted to be anywhere but here, I saw his parents getting in the car, he slowly got in as well.

“Him, “I said while point towards him.

“Alright then, it’s time once again, “Dad said as we pulled out to follow them.

Maybe this would be the one, only time would tell.
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