Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abducted

Soul Mates

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-02-14 - Updated: 2010-02-15 - 1056 words - Complete

We were back on the road once again following my new love to his house. We had to act like we wasn’t following them so we stayed away behind but made sure we could see them. My heart was racing I was scared of what could happen we wouldn’t be doing this until nighttime. I had to take my mind off of this so I look out of my window trying to get my thoughts lost into something. About 30 minutes later our car started to slow down, I look up towards the front.

“Alright we know where they live, “Dad said as we past on by.

I look turn to look at the house it was big it was the outside look old it was blue with white windows. Before I could see him get out of the car we already left, I could no longer see. I wanted to see him again; I knew I wanted him to be mine even though this was the wrong way to do this.

“Are you sure his the one, “Mom said while turning towards me.

“Yes I am sure, “I replied.

“You pick a cute one, “She said with a smile.

I smiled back he was more then cute he was beautiful even though I saw him once I knew I wanted him. I shouldn’t be feeling like this it was wrong what I was going to do but this is all I ever known. My dad pulled into a small restaurant I was beyond hungry maybe eating would take some of my nerves away. No one knew about us so it was safe for us to be seen ever so often. We all headed in going towards a table.

“I just want you to know Frank if this one doesn’t work out, then we’ll go to another state and try again, “Dad said as we all sat down.

“His the one I really want, if this doesn’t then I just want to give up, “I said while sitting back.

“Don’t give up sweetie if this one doesn’t work out, you will find someone I promise. It does take time. “Mom said while looking at me.

“We can’t rush these things. It took me a while to find the right girl, and I am glad I kept trying, “Dad said while looking at mom.

I just nodded I just wanted someone so I could be happy like my parents they hardly fight I can see it in their eyes they really do love each other. The waiter came over to take our order I try to keep my mind off of him but every time I almost did, his picture would come back. An hour later we left the restaurant the sun was being to set, it would not be long until it was time.

*Hours Later*

The night had begun my heart was beating fast it felt like I was going on my first date which I wish it was instead I’m going to kidnap my one true love or so I hope. My dad pulled into the gravel driveway shutting on the lights so we wouldn’t be seen. We all go out of the car heading towards the front; no cars could see us on count of all the trees and the darkness. My dad went up to the door window putting tape on it to make a big X. My mom put color glass on the ground my dad look us before breaking the window, which did not shatter everywhere.

My mom went in one room while my dad and I headed towards the back bedroom where his parents would be. Once we took care of everything, in there we headed towards the front and that is when I saw him once again, this time it was going to be my future husband. We all headed out the front door my mom had to hold on to him since she had gave him something to knock him out. My mom lay him in the backseat with him she brought his legs up towards him. My parents got in the car my dad started up the car and took off. I look over to my right to see him sleeping peacefully he look so innocence I started to feel horrible I shouldn’t have done this he did nothing to deserve this. No one should have to go through this not even me but I wanted to get to know him so bad I wanted him to be mine. About five hours have past I look over to my right once again to see him slowly waking up this was when I started to get scared I had no idea what he would do. He slowly got up and look around I could see the fear in his hazel eyes and then turn towards me as if he was pleading for help.

“Where the hell am I, “He ask in fear.

“You’re with us now. You belong with us now, “I said while looking at him.

My mom turn towards us and smiled I look at her showing I was scared.

“Don’t worry sweetie everything will be alright. You are with us now, “She said while smiling.

“I belong to on one. What did you do to my parents, “He ask while looking back at me.

“Their gone you’ll never see them again, “I replied while feeling bad. I hated telling him that this was killing me.

“Did they kidnap you too, “He asks.

“No. Their my parents, I cannot explain other then you and me are meant to be, “I said.

“What do you mean? We’re not meant to be I don’t even know you, “He replied.

“I don’t won’t to explain now. Just now we are not going to hurt you in anyway I can promise you that. Just trust me okay. Can you tell me your name, “I ask hoping he would just stay clam.

“I don’t know if I should trust you but I will trust you just a little. My name is Gerard, “He replied.

This was a start at least he somewhat trusted me. Maybe this would be my future husband.
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