Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abducted


by xFamousLivingDeadx 4 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-02-15 - Updated: 2010-02-16 - 833 words - Complete

The night had set in the stars light up the sky; I had no idea where we’re going. We kept on driving until we reach a Motel. We often stay in Motels when we are far from home my dad pulled in a parking spot. My mom got out of the car and headed towards the front area to pay for the rooms, once the rooms we’re pay for we all head into the room it had one king size bed and another room with a queen size bed with two TVS in each room, it had a little kitchen area.

“You to will be staying in the other room. We are leaving early in the morning we have a busy day tomorrow so get some rest, “Mom said while looking at us.

I made sure Gerard was in front of me so he wouldn’t escape once we were in the room I closed the room. The only way out was the front door that was in my parents room so I wasn’t worried about him escaping. Gerard went over towards the left side and got up on the bed while sitting up.

“Are you alright, “I ask while breaking the silent.

“No. You just took me from my home and killed my parents, so I’m not alright, “He replied with tears in his eyes.

This was killing me I hated to see him sad this wasn’t right I wish I could just let him go but my parents wouldn’t be happy with me and part of me didn’t won’t to let him go.

“I’m sorry I know you probably won’t believe me but I am, “I said truthfully.

“It doesn’t matter anyway I wasn’t happy at home. My parents gave me a hard time but still there are my parent’s part of me does feel sad about it. And part of me fears that I’m going to be killed, “He said while looking at me.

“If you don’t mind me asking but what did they give you a hard time about? We are not going to kill you I swear on my life on that, “I replied while sitting down beside him.

“The fact that I’m gay. Their dreams were for me to grow up find a girl and have a big family. When I told them I was gay they wasn’t too happy about that, my parents tried to act like it didn’t bother them but it did. It was as their love for me went away, “He said while looking at me with sadness in his eyes.

“That must have been tough. My parents were happy I was gay it never bother them. But I’m sorry that happen parents shouldn’t be like that, “I said.

“It’s alright. Now can you explain to me why I’m here, “He ask.

I knew I was going to have to tell him soon so I must as well tell him now.

“This has been going on in my family for many years. When my dad turn eleven his dad took him, out to find his soul mate. My dad would find a girl he like and his parents take him to get that girl. Thinking this is the best way to meet your soul mate. No one has ever killed someone besides the parents if the girl wasn’t right for him then they would set the girl free. So when I turn eleven it was time for me to find my soul mate it took me about four tried before I met you. “I explain.

“Wow. Have do you feel about all of this, “He ask.

“I know this is wrong and no one should be taking from their home and to be force to be with someone, but this is all I ever knew this what my parents taught me, “I replied hoping he would understand.

“I’m lost for words really I have no idea what to say or even think. This is all scary to me and beyond weird I just don’t know why you pick me, “He said.

“I still don’t understand this whole thing either I never understood why my parents did this or even my family. I pick you because I think you are beautiful, “I replied.

“I am not beautiful I can tell you that, but can we go to bed now this whole thing has made me tried, “He said while still looking at me.

“Sure I’m tired as well. Now if you want I can sleep on the floor and let you have the bed, “I said while standing up.

“No. I’m not afraid of you as I was before you can sleep here with me, “He said while getting under the covers.

I climb in along with him; maybe I did finally find the one.

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