Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abducted

Don't Trust

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-02-16 - Updated: 2010-02-17 - 921 words - Complete

Gerard's Pov

I never thought in a million years I would be kidnap from my own home. When I was leaving the mall that day I had a feeling someone was watching me but I let that feeling pass not thinking anything about it. As we pulled out of the parking lot, I started to find it strange that there was a car following us, but when we pulled into our driveway I felt better when I saw the car go on by. I never thought that was going to be the people who would be kidnapping me.

I was sleep in my own bed when I heard noise I thought it was just my parents so I just closed my eyes once again, I heard a soft scream that’s when my eye flew open. I got up in fear of finding someone in the house as I was walking out of my room, I felt someone grab me before I could let out one scream my eyes became heavy and that is all I can remember.

I finally came over to see I was in a car I look around to find a man driving and a woman in the front. I turn to see a young boy sitting beside me, he look at me with his brown eyes. I started to fear I had no idea what was going on. I soon learn the boy’s name was Frank, for some strange reason I felt I could trust him just a little.

When Frank told me I was his future husband, I thought he was insane I had no idea what to think. I wanted to know so much more but I stop asking questions. Thoughts started to go through my mind the main one was their were going to kill me I could feel it but Frank kept telling me they would never hurt me, but if they kidnap me then that must been their wanting something from me or he was just lying to me.

Soon after we pulled up towards a motel I knew I could easily open the car door and scream for help but all I could do was just sit there it was as if fear was holding me back or if I tried then I knew they would kill me. We all went into a room Frank and I headed into one room while his parents took the other room. I went over towards the bed to sit down I wanted to know everything.

After Frank got through telling me the story I was beyond shock I never heard a such a thing I could tell he didn’t like what his parents did but that’s all he ever known. I felt bad for him it’s not everyday you’re parents teach you had to kidnap someone and make them your soul mate. I started to trust Frank more I wasn’t as afraid of him as I was.

His parents seem nice I kind wish my parents were that nice my parents we’re that nice until I told them I was gay. I could see their love for went away when I told them I was gay, my parents tried to act as if it did not bother them but I knew it did. I was never happy at home, I often thought about running away but I had nowhere to go. I still can’t believe they killed my parents I should feel more sad then I do but I don’t.

Part of me wanted to try to run away while everyone was sleeping but knowing my luck I wouldn’t have made it out the door. I still feared of being here with them I had no idea what was going to happen, I wasn’t going to try to run away just yet. I just kept praying that they wouldn’t kill me.

Before I knew it was morning I look at the clock it showed it was 8:00am. I look to see Frank gone I started to wonder if they just left me here my hopes went down when I heard their voices in the other room. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to escape I heard the door open I sit up to see Frank walking in.

“ We’re about to leave in 10 minutes, “ He said while walking in.

I just nodded I was still afraid I don’t think I would ever feel safe with them no matter how nice they may seem. At least they didn’t have my tied up or anything so I was somewhat free.

“ I wish I could make you unafraid I know what you’re thinking I can promise we’re not going to kill you that’s not what we do. “ Frank said while looking at me.

“ How can I not be afraid? It’s not everyday someone kidnaps me, you know? I can’t help but think that I don’t know you or your parents. But I kind somewhat see that your telling the truth, I just can’t trust you all the way, “ I replied.

“ I understand. Just know we’ll never hurt you, you are safe with us, “ He said with a smile.

I wish I could smile back but my fear was getting the best of me, all I could do was try to believe he was telling the truth.

Thanks for all the reviews :]
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