Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood Princess

Nehh Nehh Nehh...

by CyanideChild_ 2 reviews

Grow up. Honestly!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-02-15 - Updated: 2010-02-15 - 2356 words - Complete

‘Can this get any sweeter?’ Gerard asked excitedly sitting in the basement, watching Mikey whiz around the basement. Frank and Sam were making out excitedly on the bed, and it amused Mikey to phase through them, as when he walked through you – it felt like ice cold water had been chucked over you.
Not a nice experience. Trust me.
‘I feel like we always leave Ray and Bob out though,’ I said slightly amused, throwing popcorn into the gap between Franks shirt. He didn’t seem to mind though, because Sam removed it for him. I rolled my eyes at them.
‘They seem to be having fun,’ Gerard said cheekily watching them. I pulled his face down to mine.
‘Yes. They are making dry love on your bed. Big deal,’ I grinned, capturing his hungry lips. Mikey stopped whizzing around the room. He rolled his eyes. He was a ghost, and he was in Make Out City. Those two things don’t go. He zizzed
upwards and phased through the floor, stopping when he heard Bert’s voice.

‘So. I cant kill him?’ Bert said conversationally to Connor. Mikey flinched when he saw Connor, and make his self invisible. Being a ghost did have its merits…
‘No. She’ll eat you alive.’ Connor confirmed. A small laugh, indicated Brendon was in the room also.
‘There are different ways to eat, my dear….’ He grinned, and Mikey cringed. He remembered that story. Her face, when she woke up. It was classic.
‘Brendon, Connor, William - I’m over it. There’s something about her. She’s so different.”
“Of course she’s different,” William ranted from the corner “And you know damn well why! Are you doing this for him? To hurt him?”
“Him who?” Bert asked innocently.
“Gah!” William said throwing his hands up in exasperation. “It’s impossible to have any kind of a conversation with you. Idiot,” he snapped. “Grow up.”
Bert raised an eyebrow, “I’m older than you. By a good thousand years”
William paced back over challenging him. “He’s not going to be impressed you know.” The fear in his voice gave him away. “Gerard will never let this happen. This will all blow up in your face and I’ll be left picking up the pieces. He’ll kill you!”
Bert looked up at him. “You never minded my leftover pieces before.”
William turned away disgusted. “You’re playing with fire, Bert.”
“Are you afraid he’ll get burned?” Brendon teased.
“He’ll never burn and we both know it,” Connor grumbled. “You know what a bad idea this is. I know you know.”
“It may be a bad idea, but she’s as good as they come,” Brendon smiled. “She’s perfect.”
“Blech,” William said. “Don’t you dare get sappy on me.”
“Sap is just one little part of it.” Bert grinned
William rolled his eyes, “You talk about her like you actually care.”
Bert sighed. “Maybe.”
William spun around in shock. “You can’t possibly!”
Bert shrugged. “But what are you really afraid of, William? Sit down,” he said calmly. “You’re jealous, aren’t you. You know quite well that I’m capable of sharing myself, William. Are you worried that I’ll leave you behind? You know that would never happen. I’m the only one who can pull you out of your grumpy moods,” he smiled.
“I’m not grumpy,” William snapped. “I’m unhappy.”
“What’s the difference?” Connor asked confused.
“Everything,” William sighed, slumping into a chair opposite his Brendon who was smirking at the exchange.
Bert bit at his nails again. “She’s going to make everything better, Will. She’s amazing. You just need to get to know her.”
“I know all I need to know about her,” William snorted. “She’s not fair game like the others. She’s nothing like us either. Everything about her is different. If you want to feed on her, I’m game,” he nodded. “There is no other option though. Let her live or die but there can be no in between. What the Hell’s come over you anyway?” He could see he wasn’t getting through to him and finally gave up. “Fine. Have it your way. But you’d better keep her down in that dungeon of yours. I’m salivating just at her smell.”
Mikey shuddered as the chills ran through him. Things were hard enough to understand before when William was being vague. Now they were downright impossible to believe.
“Just keep away from her,” Bert warned. “One hair on her head even looks out of place and I’ll know who to come after.”
“I’d like to see you try,” William glared softly. Connor, and Brendon looked at him sharply. It was one thing to argue with the King. But quite another thing to threaten him. Bert’s face didn’t change, but there was a whole new aura in the room.
“Would you?” Gerard challenged quietly. William clenched his fists.
‘I’m just saying, Bert. You heard the prophecy the witch gave us. Yes she’s the only Blood Princess we’ll have in the next hundred years – But she could destroy you. If someone gives her a child soon, we’ll be safe. We wont have to worry about, yknow. Not having a leader if you die.’
‘Im not going to die,’ Bert said softly looking at the ceiling. William sighed again.
‘But you don’t know that-‘
‘I do,’ Bert said with finality. William stopped. He opened his mouth again, but Bert raised a hand.
‘He’s connected to her.’ Brendon said softly. Connor nodded understanding at last. Mikey gasped quietly from the shadows, but it was enough for Connor to look his way quizzically. Mikey drifted down again, into the basement, noting annoyed that the couples had not moved, from their positions.
Sam and Frank were basically dry humping, with Frank panting so loud he sounded like a dog. Gerard and Georgia on the other hand were much more refined. Oh ew, Mikey noticed, Gerard’s hands roaming around inside her shirt, and her down in his…
‘AHEM’ Mikey said loudly. No one noticed him. He hitched his trousers up meaning business.

‘What the fuck Mikey?’ I asked quizzically. Gerard hands hadnt stopped and I was anxious to get back to what I was doing.
‘I died wearing spider man boxers.’ He said sadly. I looked at him. He’s fucking insane. That’s clinched it. Frank groaned.
‘Please do not tell me you interrupted me to tell me that,’ Frank shot daggers at Mikey, who sighed again.
‘Okay, no I didn’t. But one – Gerard do take you hands out of Georgia’s bra, and Georgia please do likewise to Gerard’s pants. Sam, please do not eat Frankie’s face while im trying to talk. And goddammit Frank, stop touching her. And will all of you STOP PANTING!’ Frank sat up, exasperated. Sam held her breath as she tried to concentrate her breathing. Gerard leaned back and smirked, because he was cool like that. And I, well, I did fuck all and continued panting. Because I didn’t care what Mikey said right now. Unless it was the key to defeating Bert and the others…
‘I think I’ve found the key to defeating Bert and the others,’ He said seriously.
Well. How ironic
‘What is it?’ Sam asked, letting out a huge breath. Mikey shot a sharp glance at her.
‘You.’ He said looking straight at me.
Ahh. Bollocks

Mikey explained what he’d just heard, and how William wanted a piece of me. Sam looked impressed, Frank angry, and Gerard mildly amused.
‘I can dig a slice,’ Gerard grinned unaffected by it all. I elbowed him in the ribs. Mikey looked shocked and amazed we weren’t taking this seriously.
‘He’s going to get you pregnant!’ He all but shrieked at me. I shook my head.
‘Ahhh, but no. You said William was all for it and Bert was the one saying no. So perhaps he’s not going to get me pregnant. And he also said he couldn’t kill Gerard.-‘
‘Yeah, because you’d eat his face,’ Frank grumbled, from the table but the stairs. He was quite annoyed at being stopped, and Mikey eventually had to separate them by chasing Sam across to the opposite side of the room. Sam didn’t like touching Mikey. I didn’t blame her. It was fucking weird.
‘Hell yes she would. I’ve been killed what? Three times now?’ Gerard grinned.
‘Twice,’ Mikey corrected with a frown. ‘But that’s beside the point. Look. If she’d connected to him, then what do you think that means?’ He looked at our blank faces and rolled his eyes. He even stamped his foot, which amused me a lot. Gerard was sniggering under his breath.
‘If we’re gonna kill Bert. You’re gonna have to kill Georgia too,’ Mikey said with finality. We all stopped laughing. We all looked at him.
‘Fuck no!’ Sam growled, venomously. Frank looked extremely happy at her violence.
I stood up. I walked over to Mikey and stood watching them all. My friends. True fucking friends.
‘Look guys. Im not having another one of you die for me. I’ve been so selfish throughout all of this, Frank, you died. Mikey – you died twice. I cant expect you to all to make sacrifices for me. Ray and Bob – they stayed away from me, look how they are. Alive-‘
‘And alone in an abandoned shopping mall,’ Mikey commented dryly.
‘Well yes, that too- Gerard why are you laughing!?’
Gerard smiled at me. He stood up too, making a show of flouncing around, making sure I knew he was taking the piss.
‘Georgia – I love you.’
‘I love you too,’ I replied without hesitation. He grinned wider.
‘There you go. That’s the beginning of a point. When we first met, and admitted how we felt, would you say those three words…?’
‘Uhhh,’ I grumbled knowing he was right.
‘No, she wouldn’t!’ Sam piped up, knowing where Gerard was going.
‘Thank you Sam – continue please.’ Sam stood up and pissed about just like Gerard had. Frank was straddling his chair clearly enjoying the show. Mikey had drifted off to the sofa, and was laying there bored.
‘She told me – ahem – and I quote here… I love him, of course I do – I just cant hurt him like I’ve been hurt. So im never gonna say it – not unless something totally crazy happens and I have to,’ Sam put on a girly high voice and tried to imitate me.
‘I do not talk like that,’ I said coldly.
‘Hush Georgia.’ Gerard said, ‘Now, I wonder what has happened to us all to make you say that? Hmm. Well, over the past few months – I fell in love, vampires took over the world, one particularly idiotic vampire chose you to be a Blood Princess, you fought him every step of the way. Sure you have feelings for him,’ Gerard’s lips twisted as he said this and Frank sniggered, ‘But im sure there’s a word for that. A syndrome. Silly girl syndrome or something like that. But if we hadnt met you then – Frank take it away…’
‘Well. I would have been punched in the mouth, and made into a vampire, and have to drink blood to survive,’ He glared darkly. And then laughed to show he was joking. ‘ I kid of course. I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I wouldn’t have met Sam otherwise.’ He cast her a gooey look and Mikey snorted.
‘Well, my life wasn’t exactly meant to be ended this quickly, but who cares? Im still here aren’t I?’ He grinned, and I hid behind my fringe. ‘No seriously, Georgia. Im glad we met you. And there’s not exactly anything else they can do to me is there? Unless, they bust out the ghost busters equipment.’ Mikey laughed at himself. ‘Bust out the ghost busters… see what I did there…’ He giggled to himself and I rolled my eyes.
‘Look basically. What we’re all trying to say, is – we love you.’ Gerard said simply ‘Though of course I love you more.’ He added with a grin.
‘That’s a lie. She was my only friend. I was a loner till she came along-‘ Sam huffed.
‘Im sorry, but I went out and got killed for her-‘ Frank complained
‘I fought for her, and I died too-‘ Mikey interjected
‘Im in love with her, you cant beat that!’
‘That’s not fair! She’s my best friend!’
‘But I died’
‘God dammit Frankie, don’t argue with me,’
‘I died twice!’
‘So did I!’
‘Fuck that, we’re all dead’
‘Well, I love her more so nehhh,’
‘No you don’t Gerard!’
‘Nehh, nehh, nehhh’ Gerard had resorted to making child like noises.
‘That’s childish Gerard, Frank tell him,’
‘I love her more than you, I love her more than you, I love her more than you….’ Frank sang with his fingers in his ears.
‘Oh grow up. She’s my best friend!’
‘Well, im a ghost so whatever I say goes,’
‘How the shit does that work?’
‘Nehh, nehh, nehhh..’
‘It doesn’t, but I don’t care…’
‘Nehh, nehh, nehhh’
‘For fucks sake Gerard shut up, its not a game!’
‘Yes, it’s a game for two.’
‘Three, you mean,’
‘Can four play?’
‘Ahhhh foreplay…’
‘Gerard! Jesus Christ!’
‘He’s not gonna help you… nehh, nehh nehhh….’

I sat down on Gerard’s bed while they bickered. I didn’t feel better in the slightest.
All I know. Is that this is gonna be a long night….
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