Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood Princess

Its Almost the End

by CyanideChild_ 1 review

This is the second to last chapter for Blood Princess....

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-03-03 - Updated: 2010-03-03 - 899 words - Complete


‘So fucking what!’ I said angrily, sitting on my bed with my arms folded. William, Brendon, Bert, Connor and Sam were there too, and they all avoided eye contact – except Bert who was an annoying motherfucker.
‘In case you’ve forgotten sweetheart – im the king and-’
‘Well, in case you’ve forgotten – and don’t call me sweetheart. Im the Blood Princess,
‘Queen,’ Bert sighed. ‘You’re the Blood Queen.’
‘Ooh. Oh Exactly. So I say they stay. And aren’t hurt!’
‘Georgia, I cant agree to this… mffphh.’
I threw a pillow at him. It hit him square in the face and im bloody glad.
‘Sam, hit someone with something hard,’ She looked at me as if though I was crazy. And I probably was. She turned to Brendon, but he flashed he an alluring smile, so she stopped. I threw a close by book at Connor.
‘Why do I always get hit with something hard? It’s always me as well. He gets hit with a fucking pillow…’ By this time, Bert had recovered from the attack of the pillow, and prowled over to me. He pinned my arms behind my back, painfully and I glared up at him. He looked back equally as angry. Then he relaxed again.
‘So you want Sam, Frankie, and Gerard to stay?’
‘I do,’ I replied. He looked at me, his icy blue eyes seemingly searching my soul.
‘I’ll allow this. But tomorrow… It will be ruled that you are officially Queen, and we must try to rid the world of the purge that is human life.’
‘Um. It might have escaped you, but… you’re a vampire… so how are you going to survive if you kill all the humans?’ I asked quizzically, my arms hurting like hell. He gave a evil grin.
‘We’ll breed them silly like the animals they are,’
‘I think that’s sick,’
‘And I think its brilliant!’ He retorted. There was a loud smash, and William crumpled to the floor. Sam stood behind him looking shocked at herself. Her hands were wet, and as we looked at William, we saw he lay in a puddle of water and black roses. Pieces of vase were around him.
‘You hit him?’ Brendon said slowly, ‘With a vase?’
Sam nodded, looking rather confused. ‘She told me to!’ Connor whooped and laughed.
‘Fuck yes! Sam, you are my new favourite person right now…’ Sam just raised an eyebrow.
‘You can tell Mikey, and the others to –‘
‘Mikey’s dead.’ Sam blurted out. We all looked at her. Connor’s malicious eyes twinkled.
‘Reaaally?’ He grinned drawing out the word. ‘How unfortunate for him – I send my sincere condole-‘
‘But he’s not gone.’ I said casting Connor a dark look. Bert looked rather confused, and I laughed at his expression.
‘He’s dead, but not gone. He’s living but dead. He’s kinda…’
‘He’s a spirit?’ William said slumping to his feet. He cast a look at Sam, who reddened and mumbled, ‘She told me too...’ before looking out of the tinted windows.
‘I’ve heard of that happening. If someone gives their life for someone they love than their spirit remains. Some times, if self-sacrifice is made, they can come back. A new body is made, out of all the atoms and such like in the air – and voila! New vampire.’ William reeled off sounding very much like a textbook. I looked at him and was about to answer but Bert grabbed my arm.
‘Whats that noise?’ I looked at him curiously, and he glared. ‘Baby, what have you done?’ I shook my head, and I head an explosion from outside.
We all rushed to the window, and saw hundreds of human and vampire Allies, all intent on storming the castle. Brendon, William and Connor, instantly got into Vampire Prince mode, barking off orders and instruction that I could make no sense of. Amongst the closest rebels I saw Gerard, and Frank… I felt a sinking feeling in my gut.
This was really it. It was so close to the end it scared me. I locked eyes with Bert who looked sad.
‘You know whose side I’ll be fighting on,’ I said quietly. Sam backed quietly out of the room – no doubt to bust of her ninja moves on any vampire trying to get near to Frankie. I half smiled at Bert, and the sinking feeling spread through my whole body. Bert sighed.
‘I knew it was gonna come to this in the end. To be honest, for you, it’s a win, win situation. Which ever side wins, someone’s gonna love you,’ Bert half smiled again. ‘But there’s only one person, you’re gonna love back, am I right?’ Bert rolled his eyes. ‘Stupid band faggot. Well, if I die before I next see you…’ He bent down and locked me in a passionate kiss. Despite how blasé he’d been before about the whole you know – dying situation – I knew he’d thrown all of his feelings into that kiss.
‘Look after you’re self queenie.’ He threw a smile over his shoulder and I was left gasping.
What the fuck was going to happen now?

Sorry tis short. But i got writers block on this, and the sequel is just begging to be written :)
oxox Gee
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