Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

Gone Insane

by xFamousLivingDeadx 4 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-02-15 - Updated: 2010-02-16 - 413 words - Complete

I watch the raindrops going down my window as the rain pours through the clouds. I can hear the thunder getting louder by the minute I know any second the lights will go out. It has happen before it seems like every time there is a storm the power goes out, and which for me I go insane. The last time I went insane I broke my window on my door. I lay on my bed praying the lights won’t go out thinking maybe if I pray hard enough the lights will stay on, but my prays was not that strong the lights went out.

Darkness is all around me I cannot see my own hand I cannot see a single thing. My mind is racing with thoughts I cannot control. I can feel my hands start to shake I hear my heart beating like a ticking time bomb. I jump off my bed I ran to the door I bang as loud as I can, I scream from the top of my lugs I need to leave, I need the light. I can hear foots steps coming down the hallway, there getting closer I hear someone behind the door say,

“Frank clam down we’re going to get you out and take you some where safe”

I do not believe any word that person said all I care about is escaping my room. Finally, the door opens again all I see is darkness I run out of the room like a lunatic. I search for any kind of light but all I find is darkness. I hear people yelling my name I hear them I just do not care about going towards them or answering them.

I realize I have no where to go every where I go is darkness the foot steps are getting closer by the second before I knew it I felt hands grab my arm, I start kicking trying to make the hand leave my arm. Nothing happens more hands grab onto me I try my best to scream and kick to make then hands let go but nothing is happening.

I felt a sharp pain going into my neck like a needle my vision is getting blurry I feel my body being lifted off the ground I try to see where I was going but my eyes were getting heavy and before I knew it I saw my greatest fear, darkness.

Sorry for the shortness. Review?
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