Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Asylum

No One Can Hear You

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-02-16 - Updated: 2010-02-17 - 581 words - Complete

My body felt weak I could not sit up all the way. I did not know where I was, all I seen were white walls. I finally got my self to sit up against the wall. I look around just to see what was all in here, I look until I seen another person it was a boy with black hair, his skin was pale. I could not tell what color eyes he had. I did not won’t to say anything I do not get along with people so I did my best just act as if he was not there. He look dead as if he have not slept in days or even months.

Hours went by and no one has said a word, all I heard hear was the buzzing noise in my ear. I want to leave this room I could not stand being in here with another person, but for some strange reason I was not as scared with him, I guess because he has not said anything. He just sat there looking at the wall as if he was trying to burn a whole through it, I would not blame him I would do the same thing. Silence was taking over I could not even hear my own self think. I got tired of just sitting here I wanted out; I got up slowly and walk to the door. If I could, I would break it down.

“Their not going to hear you” The boy whisper

“How do you know” I ask for some reason

“I tried before they don’t care if you’re in here, they might forget about you” He replied in a low tone

Forget about me. They would not do that would they? Maybe they would they do not care about how they treat us. However, I could not stay in here forever I know I would go beyond crazy I could not take the silence any longer.

“How long will we be in here?” I whisper in hoping I would get an answer.

“Maybe hours I don’t know,” He barely said

I just walk back to the other side and sit down hoping they would open the door. Three hours went by and nothing happen; no one talk not a sound was even made. Maybe that is why no one has lets us out they may think were dead I would think that. I did not know how much longer I could take this silence I just want to leave and go back to my own room. I wanted to know why he was in here for I did not know why because I hate talking to him but for some reason, I did not mind with him.

“Why are you here for” I ask

“I never sleep I can’t sleep. So they put me in here because I wouldn’t let them stick me with a needle,” He replied in a low tone.

“How can you not sleep?” I ask wanting to know

“I’m afraid of sleep,” He whisper

I did not say anything back I did not know what to say. I did not think he was stupid of being afraid of sleep I was the one who hated the dark. Once again no one said anything else, I just wanted to leave before one of did go crazy, I just hope it does not get dark in here.

Thanks for all the reviews :]
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