Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Midnight-An Epic Love Story?

He Loves You

by SmashAuthority2 6 reviews

Jacobus tells Stella the shocking news, and just what is going on between them anyway?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Parody,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-02-16 - Updated: 2010-02-16 - 1691 words - Complete

As always, a massive thanks for all the lovely reviews! I'm so happy you're all enjoying this story!!

I stare at him in horror, not believing what I'm hearing. "What?" I whisper.

"He knows it was all a plan. He's known all along," he tells me grimly.

I stare at him open-mouthed, my voice having abandoned me. "Why did he play along with it?" I finally manage to choke.

"Because he loves you," he replies simply.

Only then do I understand how much Gerard truly loves me. I mean, he knew I was faking it, messing with his emotions and generally playing him, yet, he went along with it all. All because he loves me so much. The feeling that I don't deserve him washes over me.

"My God," I mutter in an awe-struck voice. "I can't believe it."

"I should have known," sighs Jacobus. "I completely underestimated Gerard. He is the most cunning vampire I have ever come across."

"But how did he find out?" I splutter.

Jacobus walks over to me so we are face to face. "I think he's known from the beginning . Remember the night I first came over to your house? Well, as I was leaving I sensed a presence around me but like a fool I disregarded it. I believe he was standing outside your house listening to our every word."

I cast my mind back to the night, trying to remember what was said but my brain is jammed from shock. I know it can't have been good. I can't believe he didn't hate me from the moment he heard me agreeing to help rip his family apart. But he didn't, not once has he ever shown any hint of anger or resentment towards me-only love. I start to feel ashamed of myself.

"This is insane." I shake my head in disbelief. "How can someone love a person so much, they would willingly allow themselves to be deceived like that?"

"I don't see it that way. As far as I'm concerned, he manipulated the situation to his favour. It was an incredibly devious thing to do," he says gazing at me intently.

"But I was manipulating him too," I argue.

"Yes," Jacobus agrees. "But your intentions were honorable-you were thinking of saving the town, he was only thinking of his own pleasures."

I frown, I never thought of it that way. "So all those incidents with Mikey were staged?"

He nods. "Yes. For his own benefit. He just wanted to bring you closer to him."

I decide not to take this argument further. As far as I'm concerned, we are all at fault here. "How did you find out about all this?" I wonder, changing the subject.

He looks away into the darkness. "I have my ways."

I sense he doesn't want to discuss this topic either, so I let it slide. For now. But my instincts are telling me that Jacobus is keeping something big from me. I want to know what it is, but I have been so caught up with everything else I haven't had much time to give it any thought.

"What happens now?" I whisper.

"I will just have to figure out another way to destroy them," he replies determinedly.

"What?!" I cry. horrified. "You can't!"

He looks at me in surprise. "Why not?"

"You just can't," I sniffle, suddenly emotional. Seriously, it doesn't take much to make me cry these days-it must be all the men in my life. I lower my eyes to the ground and wring my hands nervously. This is something I absurdly hoped he would never find out.

He lifts my chin up gently to gaze into my eyes. "Why not, Stella?"

"Because.....because...," I sniff loudly, unable to continue.

"You can tell me anything, Stella," he says softly.

I take a deep breath but it does no good. "Because...I love him," I confess in a shaky voice.

He drops his hand like it has been burned and turns his back on me. "I'm sorry!" I blurt out. I really don't want Jacobus to be mad at me. He has done so much for me, stood by my side through everything-even taken a beating by a group of vampires. I feel awful for letting him down. I mean, he flew a damn plane to come to my aid for goodness sake!

He sighs and turns to face me slowly. "I knew this would happen." he begins in a strained voice. "It's not your fault though, Stella. In fact, I'm amazed you fought him off for so long. Any other girl would have caved to the level of devotion he has shown you a long time ago."

"But I feel like I've let you down," I mumble guiltily.

"You can't help who you fall in love with," he says, with his eyes boring into mine. I look at him, perplexed. For some reason I feel like he is trying to tell me something.

He walks away from me and leans against a tree. He looks up into the sky and closes his eyes. He looks so defeated, the urge to comfort him takes over me.

"Oh, Jacob!" I cry and run to him. He takes me into his arms and holds me tightly. I rest my head on his chest and try not to cry, the fact he smells as lovely as Gerard does calms me down somewhat. "This is all so messed up!" I say in a muffled voice.

He pulls me back and gives me a quizzical look. "Did you just call me Jacob?"

I blink away my tears. "I guess so," I reply slowly. "It just came out. Why?"

He shakes his head quickly. "It's nothing," he replies, but refuses to look at me.

I place my hands on either side of his face and turn his head so he cannot escape my gaze. "Tell me." I command.

"My mom used to call me that," he tells me in a voice lower then a whisper.

"Used to?"

"She died when I was five years old," he says sadly.


"She was murdered." he replies. His voice takes on a hard tone that is unnerving.

"Oh, Jacob. I'm sorry." I cry and the tears cascade freely down my face. He wipes them away in an almost loving manner that strangely feels natural. After I have calmed down a little I find the courage to look into his eyes.

As soon as I do, the strangest feeling overwhelms my body. I sense something has changed between us, like a wall has been broken down and he is no longer just my vampire slayer. He moves closer to me and raises his hand to gently stroke my cheek. My skin tingles where he caresses me and my heart beat accelerates. I close my eyes unthinkingly as he begins to move his lips closer to mine.

Even though I know what is about to happen, I find myself frozen to he spot. My mind however is screaming for me to run away, that this is wrong, that I love Gerard. The little voice screams: What the hell are you doing, you hussy? But the truth is, I'm in love with a vampire and about to be kissed by a vampire slayer. Now which part of that is normal? It's a miracle I haven't lost my marbles yet.

Before our lips can meet, he stiffens. I open my eyes in slight disappointment, thinking he changed his mind. When I do I see he is scanning the forest with his eyes narrowed. "Get behind me, Stella," he orders sharply.

"Why?" I ask in confusion.

He doesn't reply, instead he takes a protective stance in front of me. "What are you doing, Jacob?" I ask, bewildered.

"Sshh," he whispers.

I do as I am told but don't hear a sound. The night is quiet and peaceful but apparently Jacob thinks otherwise. "What is it?" I hiss in alarm.

"We are no longer alone," he informs me.

That's when I hear a menacing laugh ahead of me. The cold sound chills me to the bone and my hair practically stands up straight, like I have been electrocuted. I peek around Jacob's shoulder-with great difficulty as the guy is built like a machine, to spot the source. What I see next nearly stops my heart from beating in my chest completely.

Out of the shadow of the darkness steps Gerard and his coven. Jacob growls threateningly and someone responds with a low hiss. They come to a halt a few feet from us. Like a coward I shrink back behind Jacob so I am out of their view.

"Get away from her," commands Gerard, sounding more dangerous then ever.

"Never," replies Jacob in a similar tone.

"I never repeat myself. You have been warned," says Gerard harshly, as I cling to Jacob out of pure fear.

I guess I know Gerard would never hurt me, but still, when he's as angry as he is right now, my human side takes over and I have a difficult time not passing out.

"I don't like repeating myself either, bloodsucker," spits Jacob.

"Fine. Have it your way." Gerard simply nods his head and we are surrounded by his brothers in the blink of an eye. I whirl around in amazement at the sheer speed of their movement so my back is to Jacob's only to find myself staring straight at Gerard.....

Originally when I wrote this chapter I wrote it so Stella reacts angrily to the news about Gerard knowing all about the plan. After I read it I decided the story would become crap and go downhill-I mean she can't be pissed off with him all the time can she? The story wouldn't really go anywhere. Also, this way, she can develop a real relationship with Jacob, meaning Gerard has a rival for her affections and they both have yet another reason to kill each other. Aah, isn't love grand? you think there's going to be a massacre in the forest? Or will poor Stella be able to stop it?.....
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