Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Midnight-An Epic Love Story?

Police Academy: Part 315

by SmashAuthority2 7 reviews

Stella comes up with an ingenious plan to get rid of Gerard, and the truth finally comes out...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Parody,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-02-13 - Updated: 2010-02-13 - 2485 words - Complete

As always, a big thank you for the reviews!! xxxx

As soon as the bell rings at the end of the day, I leg it home. I don't bother waiting for Gerard to say goodbye to him. I don't know why, I just need to get far away so I can try to figure something out. He may be annoyed with me later but that can't be helped. Seeing him right now will only befuddle my poor mind.

I return to an empty house-dad is still at the police station and will remain so until late into the evening. I run upstairs to me bedroom and pull out my phone. I try ringing Jacobus again but as before his phone is switched off. I throw my phone onto my bed in disgust. Has he been abducted by aliens or something? That thought makes me wonder whether aliens actually exist...

I pace the floor restlessly and try in vain to come up with a plan, but it's as if my brain has turned into mush-I blame Gerard for turning me into a love-struck girl and curse loudly. Is there no hope for me?

An hour later, I flop down on my bed feeling exhausted. There is an hour till Gerard's arrival, I twist my hair nervously into tiny curls until it hurts my scalp, then I curse some more. Admitting defeat I travel downstairs and sit on the coach. I turn the T.V on and flip through the channels aimlessly until I find a movie I haven't seen for years. It's Police Academy 2 and that is when an idea strikes me so fast my brain actually hurts.

Once I have recovered, I run back upstairs to find my phone, once located I shove it into my pocket feeling relieved. Well, just a little as there is a small chance my idea could prove to be slightly dangerous.


It is 5:57 and I am waiting for Gerard to arrive. I expect him to be on time like always and I'm not wrong because when I walk into the kitchen a few minutes later I find him leaning casually on the counter inspecting a dark red apple.

I gasp-I can never get used to his sudden appearances, but I'm happy to see him. "Gerard!" I cry and run over to him.

He ignores me.

I stand in front of him feeling confused. "What's wrong?"

He puts the apple down slowly and gives me a hard look. "You disappeared after school." It sounds like an accusation.

"Erm," I start nervously. "Yeah, I had to rush."

"Without saying goodbye first?" There's no doubt he looks hurt.

"I'm sorry," I blurt out as guilt washes over me.

He sighs and looks away. I suddenly realize I hate it when he is mad at me. "I'm sorry," I repeat and touch his hand.

He takes my hand in his and pulls me closer to him. "Just don't do it again. I thought you'd been kidnapped," he murmurs into my hair.

"You thought what?" I laugh, feeling happy he is no longer upset with me.

"No offence, but you have the disturbing tendency to attract unwanted attention," he tells me with a chuckle.

I roll my eyes into his chest and try to give him a dirty look. "Thanks a lot." I sniff.

"You look so cute when you are angry." He says and kisses me on my forehead.

"You don't-you look terrifying when you are mad," I shiver and he frowns.

"That's not a side I like you to see, Stella," he says stiffly.

"Let's just forget it, shall we?" I smile and lead him into the living room. We sit on the coach and I turn the volume up. "Let's watch a movie." He opens his arms so I can snuggle up to him.

We watch twenty minutes of the movie until he gets bored and switches it off. "Hey!" I yell. "I was watching that!"

"I can think of better things to do," he smirks.

"Is that the only thing on your mind?" I accuse, feeling flustered at the look in his eyes.

"It's your fault," he says seriously.

"My fault?" I repeat incredulously.

"You're too sexy." Before I can respond, he pulls me into his lap and kisses me hard on my mouth. Somehow, in between kisses, I end up straddling him- seriously, I don't know how that happened, I swear.

He rests his hands on my hips and squeezes gently, making my stomach explode with tiny butterflies. He pulls me closer, although I don't think that's even possible, and kisses me for so long I have to break away from him or I'm just not going to make it through the night.

"Wow," I whisper raggedly, leaning back. He supports me with his hands otherwise I'm feeling so weak I would just fall of and land on my ass.

He, on the other hand, looks totally unruffled. "I like this position," he tells me provocatively, making me blush scarlet.

I'm speechless, well, until I see the time on the clock behind his head. It's 6:45, there are only fifteen short minutes until Jacobus's arrival. I get up quickly, "I need the bathroom!" Before he can say a word, I run off.

When I make it to the bathroom I slam the door shut and lock it. I have to turn on the tap so he thinks I' know, and I pull out my phone. Before I start typing in the words that are probably going to start a war of epic proportions, I pause. I hate doing things like this to Gerard but it really can't be helped. I only hope he doesn't find out the truth.

Help!! Someone has broken into the house!! Bring everyone cause I think crazy-person has a gun!! Stella. xx

I send the message to my dad. Hopefully when he reads it, he'll freak out and bring the whole army plus their uncle over to our house. Hopefully. That way, Gerard will have to leave. It may be a crazy plan but it's the only one I've got. I pray no-one gets shot. I'm talking about dads deputies-those guys are dumbasses.

I flush the toilet and prepare to re-join Gerard who by now probably thinks I'm insane. When I get downstairs he is standing by the fireplace looking at some photographs of me when I was a geeky looking kid. As soon as I step foot into the room he turns around and gives me an odd look.

Before he can ask me what I know he's going to ask me I jump on him. Really, I jump on the guy, I don't know where I get my ideas, I swear, but I'm glad he has fast reflexes because he catches me and I wrap my legs around his waist. He looks stunned and opens his mouth to speak, before he can though, I silence him with a long kiss.

"You are one strange, horny little human being," he says after we break apart. I giggle which seems to amuse him. He carries me to the coach and drops me.

"Hey!" I cry in disappointed. "I liked that position." I smile naughtily at him.

"Oh dear, I think I may be a bad influence on you," he says, shaking his head in remorse.

"No, you're not." I stand up on the coach and put my arms around him. I mentally cuss my father, if he doesn't show up soon, I'm dead.

"I love you, Stella," Gerard says suddenly, catching me off guard. I cannot meet his gaze. "How do you feel about me?" he asks softly.

I honestly don't know what to say to him. How do I feel about Gerard? Just admit it already! screams that annoying voice in my head.

"Tell me, Stella. How do you feel about me?" he urges gently.

I look deep into his eyes and the truth comes spilling out. "I love you too, Gerard." I admit quietly, truthfully. I can no longer deny it, I tried to fight it for so long but it was a lost cause. I'm in love with Gerard and there is nothing I can do about it.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear that," he says, looking happier then I've ever seen him. He pulls me in for a kiss and I feel a mixture of relief over telling him the truth and fear over what is going to happen with the whole Jacobus situation. "I'm so happy, Stella," he smiles.

I laugh nervously and hop off the coach. I walk towards the window and look out, there is no sigh of my deadbeat dad. I take a deep breath and turn to Gerard. "Gerard," I begin. He gazes at me expectantly. "I have to tell you something." He doesn't say a word as I try to muster up the courage to tell him about me and Jacobus.

"I.....," before I can go further, the deafening shriek of police sirens pierce the air and I spin around to look out the window. Gerard is beside me in a second. "Oh my God," I whisper as about ten squad cars screech to a halt outside my house.

Gerard looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "What is this?" he asks sounding thoroughly annoyed.

"I have no clue," I lie effortlessly. I'm so going to hell.

We watch as my dad bursts out of a car with a speakerphone in his hand. About a million police officers join him and draw their weapons, aiming at the house. Gerard steps in front of me protectively, blocking my view. "Okay, you slimeball! The house is covered! Come out with you hands in the air!" He screams.

"What is he talking about?" mutters Gerard. I say nothing.

"Come out quietly and I promise not to hurt you.....much," he continues.

"Oh Lord," I whisper and shake my head in disbelief. I know this is what I planned, but seeing it being played out is surreal.

But my dads not done talking. "Don't be afraid, Stella!" he shouts. "Daddy will blow his brains out!"

"I think you should leave," I advise Gerard, who shakes his head vehemently.

"I'm not leaving you here alone with a hundred armed cops standing outside."

I'm touched at his concern. "One of the cops happens to be my dad," I argue.

"I can't risk you getting hurt."

"Oh, Gerard. I won't get hurt." I squeeze his arm.

"If you're not comin out, we're comin in and it ain't gonna be pretty, mister!" Dad roars.

"Please, Gerard," I plead. "Go before dad comes barging in and starts shooting stuff."

He seems lost in thought for a while. "Okay," he agrees finally. "I'll be back tonight and you can finish what you were about to tell me."

I gulp but nod non-the-less. I close my eyes as he kisses me softly, when I open them he has vanished which is definitely a good thing as the next second my dad kicks the front door in and rushes into the living room CSI: Miami style. I jump back in surprise and scream a little.

"Where is he, Stella?" he yells, pointing the gun at me.

"He ran off," I inform him. "And please for the love of God point that thing somewhere else," I say, indicating towards the gun.

"Oh, sorry honey," he says sheepishly and puts it away. "Lower your weapons guys." he orders. "No-one is getting shot tonight," he adds in dissapointment.

"Aww man!" complains the guy behind him, who just happens to look like a serial killer with his black eyes.

"Don't worry, son. Next time you'll get to shoot someone, I promise," my dad tells him and pats his arm. He turns back to me. "So, what did he look like, baby?" he asks me with concern.

I think fast. "He...erm....he was tall, about 6 foot something," I fib. "He hair that was spiked up, green eyes and...erm he was dressed as a pirate." I finish, feeling proud of my excellent ability to think on the spot.

My dad gives me an strange look then turns to the officer on his night. "Spread the word, we're on the look-out for a gay pirate." The officer nods then rushes out the door.

All the cops leave our residence and I breathe a sigh of relief. My dad tells me he is going to take a shower and disappears upstairs. Finally I get the chance to sneak out the house and into the forest that runs behind it. It's 7:15 but I know Jacobus will have witnessed everything that occurred and hopefully stuck around.

I walk blindly in the darkness, I really should have grabbed a bloody torch, and get hit in the face with various branches and twigs. I nearly trip twice over exposed tree roots and have to stop for a while so I can swear randomly at the murderous trees. I manage to make it into a clearing and decide to not go any further or I'm going to get killed- Jacobus will just have to find me somehow.

I sit on the floor resting my back on a tree trunk and listen carefully for any sounds that might sound like a vampire slayer. I hear nothing. I close my eyes wearily as it has been a long, stressful day and try not to fall asleep in the peaceful surroundings. I never imagined the forest could be so relaxing but it is. I wish I could hide here forever.

"Stella?" a voice whispers softly into my ear. I jump a mile into the air open my mouth to scream, before I can a hand clamps itself to my mouth, smothering any sound. "Relax, it's only me," says a familiar voice.

"What the heck is your problem, dude?" I demand angrily. "Sneaking up on someone like that? You could have given me a heart attack!" I get up and glare at him.

"Yeah, you'd know all about that now wouldn't you?" he hits back. "How did you think I felt coming out here only to find your house surrounded by a million police cars?"

"I didn't have a choice. It was the only way I could get rid of Gerard."

He shakes his head and sighs. "Where do you get your ideas Stella?"

"Mostly the T.V," I confess. "Why did you want to see me anyway? I'm tired and I want to sleep."

He looks gravelly at me. "I have some bad news."

The somber look on his face makes me shudder with fright. "What is it?" I whisper.

"He knows," he tells me softly.

I can only stare at him in confusion.

Jacobus shakes his head sadly. "Gerard knows everything."

Dun dun duh!! Can someone say cliffhanger? Ha ha ha!!
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