Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Name Of The Game

Similar Spirits

by nikitarae1435 0 reviews

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Draco,Ginny,Harry,Hermione,Ron - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2010-02-16 - Updated: 2010-02-16 - 689 words

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in Harry Potter. Only the wonderful J.K Rowling owns them!

Chapter 3: Similar Spirits

Hermione traveled up to Harry’s room, with Ron and Danielle on her heels, and gently knocked on the door.

There was no noise from within his quarters, but this was nothing unusual considering that Harry had barely spoken a word to anyone in days.

“Harry it’s just me and Ronald. We want to know if you’re alright.”

A very inaudible ‘fine’ was heard from within the room.

Hermione sighed, “Look Danielle didn’t mean anything by it. She said she just wanted to tell you she really likes how you play quidditch.” Hermione reassured her sullen friend.

Nothing was heard again.

“Yeah mate, she really wanted you to know she didn’t mean anything by it. If it’s alright she would like to apologize.” Ron said

“Fine” Harry silently spoke. Ron and Hermione exchanged a surprised look. They looked back at a very surprised looking Danielle. Hermione and Ron gave her a reassuring look that seemed to say good luck, before heading back downstairs.

Danielle knocked before softly opening the door to Harry’s messy quarters. She looked around at the scattered books, and items of clothing lying around the floor. Finally she found Harry sitting by the window, arms folded in front of his chest, legs propped up on the window sill. It appeared that he hadn’t noticed her come in, but then he turned his head away from the particularly dull view, and stared blankly at Danielle.

“May I have a seat?” she asked as she gestured towards his bed. Harry shrugged.

“Listen Harry I know that we seemed to have gotten off on the wrong note downstairs, but I really am sorry if I humiliated you in any way.”

“Its fine, you didn’t know right. Or at least that’s what you told everyone downstairs.” Harry said rather bluntly and sarcastically.

“I guess you want the truth then.”

Harry’s look suggested that was exactly what he wanted.

“Ok well first off, I have no parents. Just like you. When I was about one year old, my parents were working at the hospital wing. I was left with my aunt. To this day I’m still not quite sure what happened to them, but from what I’ve been told they were murdered. I don’t know who did it, or why. But Harry we are more alike then you think.” Danielle said

Harry stared at Danielle, but with a different expression then before. It was more an expression of understanding.

“Look I know that I am the last person you thought would know what you’re going through, but the truth is that hope comes in the strangest of forms. I know who you are, and about the boy who lived. For your sake though, nobody needs to know that.” Danielle said to a still confused looking Harry.

“Yeah, I understand.” Harry simply said

“I don’t know about you, but I don’t think that Fred and George can stand me being up here alone with you. In fact I am pretty sure that they are listening at the door as we speak.” Suddenly the sound of hurried footsteps moving down the stairs was made. Danielle giggled, and this made Harry do something that he felt he hadn’t done in a long time, smile.

The two got up and shook hands, declaring a silent but understood truce. When they made their way downstairs everybody was waiting to go the joke shop.

“Everything alright I take it.” Said Hermione

“Everything is…” Danielle looked at Harry.

“Everything is great” He finished. He smiled at his new friend. He was glad to have someone who knew what he was going through. Now he would have her with him for a whole summer, and through the school year to help him cope. Danielle was like a guardian angel sent to him at his worst time. Deep inside Harry knew that this was going to be a long summer.
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