Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > All The Wounds

All The Wounds

by Skylily 0 reviews

Ayla's life is changed forever. It seems that Gerard is her Savior...but what is his secret?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2010-02-21 - Updated: 2010-02-22 - 859 words

First story on ficwad, but I should be updating at least once per day, i'm pretty religious when it comes to my writing, please leave comments, ratings, etc? It really helps with the inspiration. Thanks. Mimi.

“Ms. Leigh?”
“Yes, Dr. Waters,” replied Ayla, scared of what he would have to say.
“Well, Miss Leigh, you are indeed pregnant. Now, it is up to you to decide what you want to do, whether to keep the baby, or decide on another option. I give these pamphlets and books to everyone that comes in here. So read through them and gain some knowledge before you decide on anything.” Ayla looked down at the contents of the bag, seeing titles such as “Your baby options”, “Mother and baby”, “Babies at Best”, and several other reading materials.
“I’ll keep it, I don’t believe in abortion, no matter what.” Ayla replied, stronger than she felt. Even given the circumstances, she could not get rid of the baby, not even give it up for adoption, she was against it, and the baby WAS part hers. Even if it was forced upon her.
“Well if you’re sure, Ms. Leigh, then we will set up an appointment for you for next week to go over everything in more detail, but for now, those books should help, I do suggest you read them.”
Ayla nodded and headed off after getting her card for next week’s appointment.
Her mind was whirling, she was only 17, she shouldn’t be pregnant. She wanted to save her virginity for that one person, the one person she knew she wanted to spend her life with. Probably not wait until marriage, but at least know that he would be the one.
And what would her parent’s say. She knew they would be shocked, but they would agree with her decision, after all, they held the same beliefs as Ayla did. She would have to explain to them what happened, how it happened, she knew they would understand…

Ayla was walking down the dark streets of Belleville, New Jersey. Never the safest place to be. Her mother wasn’t answering her phone, and her father was at work. Ayla didn’t have her own car yet, and she had stayed late for her guitar lesson.
She had the feeling that she was being watched, and shook the feeling off. Just the nerves of walking down a dark street. She was only two blocks away from her house, she would be okay. She had just barely walked two steps before she was pushed up against a tree. “Hello Ayla,” said the man. He was wearing a skeleton mask that covered his face and hair. Ayla went to scream, but the man’s hand was shoved in front of her mouth, cutting her off.
“Don’t make this any worse for yourself sugar. I’ve wanted you for so long, so long. Watching you from afar, you never acknowledging that I even existed. Now, I will get what I’ve always wanted…you.”
The man laid her on the ground, covering her mouth with duct tape. He ripped off her clothes, and took her body with his own. It hurt, it hurt so bad. Her virginity being taken so savagely. She sobbed, the tears flowing freely.
“I want this to be special for you too, sugar. Enjoy it.”
He took his time, and then gave her a long kiss on the cheek before saying thank you, and running off. It took Ayla almost an hour before she could get herself up and get her clothes on. She cried and cried for the two blocks to her house, running in the front door. Her mother saw her, and ran after her, up the stairs. But ayla had already locked her door and thrown herself into the bathroom. Hoping, but knowing that a hot shower couldn’t save her from what had just happened.

She remembered it so vividly. Her parents worried, and asked questions, but Ayla always seemed to avoid them. Now she knew the truth had to come out about that night. She was crying, but she didn’t care. Her life was changed now, because of that man, the father of her unborn child. She slowly walked home, not bothering to avoid the man in front of her, causing her to run into him.
Ayla stumbled backwards and caught herself on his arms.
He held her, gazing with concern at her tear stained face.
“Are you okay, you’re Ayla, right? I recognize you from school.” He spoke so softly, Ayla just cried into his chest.
“No, no, I’m not okay, please help me?” She begged into his leather jacket.
“Sure, come on, come with me, and then you can explain what’s going on, okay?”
He lifted her up into his arms and strapped her into his car. They drove to his house and he carried her inside to his room, and set her on the bed.
She had fallen asleep, so he set at his desk and drew in his sketchbook, waiting for his beauty to wake up.
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