Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > All The Wounds

His Friends...

by Skylily 0 reviews

Cue Frank and Mikey.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-02-22 - Updated: 2010-02-22 - 893 words

Ayla was waken suddenly by her nightmares, the same ones that came every time she closed her eyes.
“Is everything alright?” Asked that soft, melodic voice from across the room.
Ayla looked over at him as he walked towards her. He sat next to her on the bed and rubbed her back, making her relax.
“Yeah, just a nightmare.” She sniffled, close to tears.
“You can tell me, ya know?” He smiled at her, and she knew she could trust him.
“He raped me…he raped me…and now, now I’m pregnant. It’s all his fault.”
“Who raped you, Ayla?” He replied so quietly, barely audible.
“I don’t know, I couldn’t see his face.” Ayla could feel the tears coming down now. He held her, until she quieted down.

“I’m really sorry for this, this isn’t your problem.” She spoke. “Your name, its…um..Gerard?”
Gerard looked up, shocked that she did indeed know what his name was.
“Yeah, it is.”
She smiled at him, hugging herself close to him. “Thank you.” She whispered.
“Don’t thank me, really, don’t. Just..are you going to keep the baby. Even though you were raped?”
Ayla looked at his concerned face. His bright hazel eyes full of worry. His long black hair was sticking in every which way, but perfectly framing his face.
“Yeah, I am. Even though I didn’t want to be pregnant…I am, and it is my baby.” She looked down, not knowing what he would say.

A look of shock appeared on his face again, which was quickly replaced by a wide grin.
“I think that’s great Ayla!! Just think about it. It will look exactly like you. I think it will be a girl. It has to be. She’ll be as beautiful as her mama. Your long curly auburn hair, your hazel blue eyes, even with the gold and gray flecks. And your freckles, your freckles are so cute. She will be the most gorgeous baby ever, and I know you will love her.”
Ayla studied him, a small grin appearing on her face as well. “Do you really think so?”
“I know so.” He was so honest. And she knew he was telling her the complete truth. Maybe he was that one guy she needed in her life. He seemed so perfect.

“GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERARRDDD!!!!!” Came a loud yell. The door banged open, and in a flash of red and black, a figure tackled Gerard, knocking him off the bed in the process.
Ayla looked in surprise, trying to figure out what the hell just happened. A small man was bouncing up and down on Gerard, who looked annoyed as fuck.
“FRANK!!! GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!” He shouted, pushing ‘Frank’ off of him. Franks head banged against the side of the bed frame.
“Owwwwww. Why Gee, why?” He whimpered, making a puppy dog face.

“Better question Frankie. Why not? Can’t you see I was busy?” Gerard looked up at Ayla, and gave her a quick smile. A look of realization passed on Frank’s face.

“Ohhhh. Oh. OH MY GOSH!! You were banging this hot chick without me!!?” He gasped in horror. Ayla just stared at him.

“Dude, bro, I’m so sorry.” Wheezed a voice from the doorframe. “All I know is that I answered the door, and all I see is a streak of red and black running by me, screaming your name.”
Ayla switched her gaze to the thin, blonde haired man. His glasses were crooked, and his wheezing was slowly going away.

“Hi,” she said. ‘Where the hell did that come from?’ she thought.
He looked over at her.
“Oh, Gee, I didn’t know you had someone over. You look familiar, what’s your name?”
“Ayla. Ayla Leigh.” She replied, looking over at Gerard for some assistance, hoping that what appeared to be Gerard’s brother, wouldn’t think that they were down here fucking each other.
“She was upset, and I brought her home,” answered Gerard, when he saw the quizzical look on the blonde boy’s face.
Gerard walked up to Ayla and put an arm around her.
“Guys, this is Ayla. Ayla, this one here is my brother Mikey. And this dick over here is Frank.” He said, pointing to the smaller of the two, who had a Cheshire cat grin on his face.
“Nice to meet Gerard’s fuck buddy. Next time, invite me, yeah?” He replied with a small kiss on Ayla’s hand.
“Hell no, Frank. Leave her alone.” He said, seeing the horrified look on Ayla’s face, tears threatening to spill when thoughts of her attack came to her.
“I’m sorry about him Ayla” he spoke, rubbing her back again “He lives on skittles and Monster energy drinks. We’re pretty sure it’s screwed him up.” He made her laugh.

“Wait, what’s wrong hun?” Asked Frank, knowing that he had missed something.
“You don’t have to tell them Ayla, it’s okay.” Soothed Gerard.
“No, I need to talk about it, I need friends that I can talk to…I don’t have many friends,” she whispered.

She patted the bed, and waited until Mikey and Frank sat down, then she told all three of them what had happened, every detail.
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