Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Midnight-An Epic Love Story?

A Meadow And A Kidnapping

by SmashAuthority2 4 reviews

Gerard has a rather unorthodox way of getting Stella to talk to him.....

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Parody,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-02-23 - Updated: 2010-02-23 - 2151 words - Complete

When I wake up the next day I stay in bed for a few extra hours just for the hell of it. Truthfully, I'd rather stay here for the rest of my life but I know it's not possible. I have to face the world sometime. I shower and get dressed in a pair of ugly baggy jeans and an old, tattered T-shirt-I'm going for the heartbroken look today, and travel downstairs, bumping into doors and tables on the way.

My dad has left a note on the fridge saying he'll be working late all day today, someone has been murdered, blah blah blah. I crumple the note and toss it into the bin. I pour myself a glass of cranberry juice but can't bring myself to drink it. It's dark red and reminds me of blood, and that reminds me of Gerard. It goes down the drain and I end up drinking milk, which I hate.

I decide to watch a movie or four to take my mind off things. Walking into the living room only brings me more pain as it is the place where I told Gerard I loved him and where we spent the best part of an hour making out. I go back upstairs to my bedroom and flop onto my bed. Then I remember Gerard spent the whole freakin night here with me and I end up bursting into tears and throwing my shoe at the wall in despair.

My phone vibrates on my table. I pick it up and see it is Gerard calling, I reject the call and notice he has rung me about one hundred and three times already. I switch it off angrily, at least he has the decency to call me and not just turn up unannounced at my home like he would usually do.

After an hour of moping around I head downstairs and out the front door. I need to get some fresh air or I'm going to go mad. I consider entering the forest but change my mind , I could get lost in there and get devoured by some wild animal or something-that's the kind of luck I have-I attract beasts.

Instead, I choose to walk along the side of the desolate road with my head bowed. I forgot to grab my coat and am freezing my butt off but I don't care, nothing matters anymore. I fold my arms over my chest when a gust of wind threatens to knock me over but move ahead determinedly, not really knowing or caring where my destination is.

I stare at the ground lost in my unhappy thoughts and don't even hear the low hum of an approaching car. I don't hear it stop and someone getting out, but I scream like a demented witch when a hand grabs my arm and spins me around.

"Get off me or I'll Jackie Chan your ass!" I scream, thinking I'm about to be attacked.

I stop mid-threat when I see it is Gerard. He looks bad, more so then me. He has dark circles under his eyes and just looks so damn sad I have the urge to hug him, but don't- he has has a girlfriend remember?

"What do you want?" I snap and try to shake him off, it's useless as his hand remains super-glued to my arm. So much for Jackie Chan.

"We need to talk," he says sternly.

"Hell no! There's nothing to talk about," I pull away from him but he just drags me closer to him. "Let go of me!" I yell.

"I'm not going anywhere, Stella. Not until we talk," he replies calmly.

"I don't want to talk to you," I say childishly. "Go away."

Gerard sighs. "I didn't want to do this."

"Do wha....?" before I can finish my sentence, he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder like I weigh nothing more then a bag of sugar. He carries me to his car, in the direction of the trunk.

"Help!" I scream at the top of my voice. "I'm being kidnapped!" I beat my fists on his back but I don't even think he feels it.

"Stella, calm down," he says in a low voice. "I'm not going to hurt you." He opens the trunk and places me carefully in it.

"This is so illegal!" I tell him and attempt to kick him in the chest. He just sighs and moves so I kick air. "I'm so not talking to you after this!" I shout as I struggle to get out.

"Fine. But you're going to listen." When he sees my limbs are not in any danger he slams it shut, throwing me into darkness.

When he starts the car I continue to scream loudly and kick stuff. Insultingly, he turns on the CD player to drown out my voice. I beat and kick anything I can, hoping to cause as much damage as possible. The fact he is listening to heavy metal fuels my rage.

"I'm so going to tell my dad on you!" I threaten him. He just turns the volume up.

In the end, I admit defeat and lie back in exhaustion. The trunk is actually quite big and I am lying comfortably, but that's not the point, dammit! I have been abducted and I have to think of a way to escape, Prison Break style.

I feel around in the pitch black but the trunk is empty. The sneaky vampire has thought of everything. The only hope I have is to try to escape when he opens it, I have a feeling that's going to be difficult. I turn onto my side and yawn. Man, I'm tired, I shake myself awake, how can I think of sleeping at a time like this? But sleep looks so appealing right now, I'm exhausted, maybe he's released sleeping gas or something? I can't rule it out, he's so sly. I yawn again. Before I know it, I am fast asleep.


I open my eyes a few hours later and instantly remember I am a prisoner. I jolt upwards then realize I am no longer in the back of a car. I look around in awe, I am lying in the middle of a meadow. A beautiful meadow at that. There is lush green grass stretching out as far as the eye can see and pretty flowers dotted everywhere. It is very calming and utterly serene.

I sit up, dazed by the beauty surrounding me and look around for signs of Gerard. "You're awake," someone whispers from behind me.

I let out a strangled cry and turn around. He is crouching on the ground right behind me. I shuffle away so I can put some distance between us. He looks at me sadly.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Stella," he mutters.

"Yeah, but you will kidnap me," I retort.

"I had no choice. This was the only way I could get you to talk to me," he shrugs.

I glare at him, he doesn't look away. I glare at him harder. He moves closer to me on his knees and I freeze. He looks rather sexy now, I don't know why, I wonder if he's using his powers of seduction on me? If so, I must fight it!

As he approaches me I try to move away but it's hard as I'm practically flat on the ground. Suddenly, he grabs my legs and slides me closer to him so I'm lying under him. He puts his hands on either side of my head and gazes at me intently with his face inches from mine. I quickly close my eyes, I cannot believe he is trying to seduce me in a meadow! The man has no shame!

"Open your eyes," he says provocatively and runs his fingers over my lips.

"No way." I shake my head defiantly. I'm not giving in this easily. What would Beyonce say?

He goes silent, I am tempted to open my eyes a little to see what he is doing, but I don't. Given our current position, everything is too risky. I should keep my eyes shut.

"I can stay like this, on top of you all day," he drawls. I know he is smirking. Man, he is so evil! Evil and hot: a lethal combination.

I ignore him-with difficulty, and think of what I'm going to make for dinner tonight. Pasta maybe? Or should I order a pizza?

"Stella....," he purrs into my ear and I suck in my breath. It's so hard to concentrate, but I must fight temptation.

He kisses my neck softly and I gasp loudly. I move my self away form him as far as I can, which isn't much. "Stella," he complains. "Don't fight it." He lightly kisses my nose. "Please open your eyes. Please," he breathes, and I give in. I know I have just let down the entire female population but it's really not my fault, I mean, I'm up against Gerard Sullen-it's a losing battle really.

He smiles triumphantly but I barely notice. Up close I see how light his eyes are and how there is more green then brown. I also notices he has impossibly long, black lashes. "Thank you," he whispers and lowers his lips to mine.

I cannot believe the sheer arrogance of the vampire. I mean, dude has a girlfriend and thinks he can just kiss me? Does he think I am that easy? I turn my head in the last second and he kisses my cheek. He narrows his eyes and tries again but I move my head away quickly again. Lord knows where those lips have been.

He growls in frustration and I smirk at him. "There's no way in hell you're getting a kiss off me, sweatheart," I say, tauntingly. The looks he gives me makes me wonder whether challenging a vampire is a good idea.

"We'll see," he whispers.

He places a cold hand on my throat and I look at him in alarm. I hope he's not in the mood for a snack. "Forgot to have breakfast, did we?" I say, amazed at how brave I sound.

He doesn't reply, he just turns my head gently but firmly so we are face to face. His grip is sturdy- I can't even move a millimeter, yet I feel strangely comfortable like this. It's kind of hot in a way- not that I'm going to tell him that.

"Is this how you kiss your girlfriend?" I ask icily.

That comment successfully kills the mood. I only feel slightly disappointed that I never got a kiss. Gerard's face tightens and he moves off me quickly yet gracefully. He sits opposite me on the grass and watches me attentively while I can get myself into a comfortable sitting position.

"Why have you brought me here?" I demand.

"To talk," he replies softly.

"How many times do I have to repeat myself? I don't want to talk to you. You are a liar and a cheat."

"I have never cheated on you, Stella." He looks at me but I refuse to do the same.

"Then what was Jacob talking about then?" I snap.

"That inbreed doesn't know the whole story," he growls angrily.

"Hey! Don't talk about Jacob like that! He's my friend," I yell.

Gerard rolls his eyes. "Whatever you say," he says in the arrogant tone he used when we first met.

It's enough to make me mad. I jump to my feet and storm off, I don't know where I'm going but I don't care as usual. He catches up to me in a split second and grabs my arm. "Stella," he begins. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way. It's your choice, but we are going to talk today," he says determinedly.

I seriously consider running for it, but how far can I get before he catches up? Not very, I think grimly. Damned vampires. "Fine," I mumble. "But I just want you to know that you are on my Hit List." It's true, I have a Hit List of people I don't like and he's at Number One right now, Tiger Woods is at Number Two, the dirty rat.

His face is uncommonly blank, I think he is trying not to laugh because I see him bite his lip. "You should be afraid," I warn him, feeling annoyed at his utter lack of fright.

He very wisely doesn't reply. I shrug him off and go back to where I was sitting before. "Okay then, spit it out. I haven't got all day." I say with a sniff.

He takes a deep breath. "It all began two years ago......,"

All I'm gonna say is there is a new character being introduced, and knowing me they will probably be out of their damn mind!! xx
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