Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abducted

Hate You

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-02-24 - Updated: 2010-02-24 - 637 words - Complete

I hated myself as of right now I cannot believe my father did that to Gerard. I promise Gerard nothing would happen I had lied. I watch as my father lay Gerard in the back seat of the car, angry started to build up within me. I was angry at my father he promise he wouldn’t do anything he lied to me.

“How could you! You lied to me, “I yelled at my father.

“Frank clam down. I had to; we have to be safe I only did it so he wouldn’t try to escape again. If I told you the truth then you would have told him, he wouldn’t have come back. I know you’re angry but I’m sorry, “My dad said while looking at me.

“Thanks to you he hates me now, “I said before getting in the car.

My dad just look at me as if he felt bad for lying he didn’t say another word, he got into the car. We were on the road once again; we are heading to South Carolina for a while. But before we could leave, we had to go burn our camper we would no longer be needing it. I look out of my car window I felt beyond bad I didn’t mean to lied I had no idea my dad was going to give him that shot. If I would have known, I would have told him even if my dad didn’t won’t me too.

I look over at Gerard making sure he was alright, he look peaceful. He look as if nothing in the world was bothering him. I felt my heart beat fast it has been happening every time I look at him. Part of me was happy he came back with me but sad about what happen.

Hours past before we reach our camper it was park in an empty lot that no one ever comes too anymore, from the road you couldn’t see it. My mom stayed in the car with Gerard in case he woke up, me and my dad got out of the car. My dad went inside the camper before coming back out with a gas can. He began to pour it all around the camper, and inside. Once my dad was done I struck a match before throwing down on the car, we stood back from a far while watching the camper go up in fames.

I wouldn’t lie if I said I wasn’t going to miss that camper it has been home to me even since I was five. I always thought it was exciting to have a home that was on wheels. My dad and I headed back to the car before driving off once again. I look in the back window watching the camper burn as I was watching it I look over just a little to see Gerard waking up.

“I’m sorry I had no idea he was going to do that, “I said hoping he would believe.

“You’re a liar, you knew he was going. It was just a damn trick to make me come back, “He whisper in angry.

“Honesty I have no idea if I did I swear I would have told you, I tried to stop him but it was too late. Don’t hate me, “I whisper in sadness.

“Too late I do, I wish I would have never come back. I thought I could trust you but I was beyond wrong. I don’t won’t to be with you, I hate you, “He replied.

I just turn my head towards the window all I could was let the tears slowly go down my face. My heart was broken.

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