Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abducted

Don't Believe

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-02-28 - Updated: 2010-03-01 - 730 words - Complete

I should have never came back I was beyond stupid for believing Frank in the first damn place. I thought maybe he was telling the truth that nothing bad was going to happen to me, I should have known he was lying. He was putting on a good act pretending that he was sorry for what happen. I over heard his dad saying he we’re heading to South Carolina, I had to come up with a new plan to escape and this time I was going to make sure I wasn’t going to come back.

I had no idea what state we were in we had past so many I had lost count. I never wanted to be any part of this I never thought I would sitting a car with strangers I have never met before. I would often look over towards my left to look at Frank his eyes never left the window. He had been staring at is for hours as if he was planning on escaping. I notice he had dried tear marks on his cheeks he couldn’t be crying because of what happen to me or that I told him I hated him.

I don’t understand why he even likes me he just met me within 48 hours and he already thinks I’m the one. That’s why I am here because he thinks I am his future husband which I don’t understand I’m way to young to think about getting married. After driving almost for two days, we pull into another motel. Once the car pulls into a parking space, his parents get out the car heading towards the front decks.

“How much longer are you going to keep staring at the window, “I said while finally breaking the silent.

“Why does it matter to you? You hate me remember so just leave me alone, “He said while not taking his eyes off the window.

I didn’t reply back if he wanted to be left alone then I was going to grant him his wish. How could I not hate him his the one who brought me into this, his the one who lied to me. Which was my fault for believing him in the first place I should have never believed someone I never met before? Just then, his parents came back out telling his to get out of the car. We headed into room 105 it was like the room we had before, Frank and I headed towards our own room.

Before I could even say anything to Frank he done got into his own bed, I just closed the door behind me and got into my own bed.

*Three Hours Later*

I woke up to hear someone crying at first I thought I was still dreaming until I heard it again; I raised up to see Frank crying. I felt somewhat bad I didn’t know I had hurt him that bad but I have to think his the one who kidnap me and brought me into this. Without thinking I got up from my bed and headed towards his bed, I climb in.

“Why are you crying, “I ask as his back was turn towards me.

“Don’t worry why I’m crying, as I said before you hate me so just let me be, “He replied while crying.

“Look if I made you cry then I’m sorry okay, it’s just I’m angry I got brought into this and I got lied to. I hate being lied to, “I said.

“I didn’t lied to you honesty my dad told me he wasn’t going to harm you in anyway, when he stuck you with that needle I got beyond angry I was lied to me. And I know I shouldn’t have brought you into this I should never anyone into this but you don’t understand this is what my family believes in, it’s what I was raised on. But when we get to South Carolina and you want to leave, I will help you escape, I promise, “He said while looking at me.

Part of me did not know if I should believe him but I was going to trust his word.

Last update until I write more, which wont be long. Thanks for the reviews. Review?
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