Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abducted

Run Away

by xFamousLivingDeadx 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-03-04 - Updated: 2010-03-04 - 735 words - Complete

If I could, I would have just jump out of the car and never look back. I no longer wanted to be part of this I hated what my parents were doing, this was not normal. I couldn’t leave Gerard with them I couldn’t do that if it wasn’t for him I would have done run away. I know my parents mean well that they only want me to be happy but this is not happiness going around stealing children is not right. I fear if I ever did run away that some how my parents would find and would kill me. This was not how I wanted things to go I never wanted Gerard to hate me, this was not right.

I was still angry with my father he was the cause of Gerard hating me, if he would just have told me the damn truth Gerard wouldn’t hate me. I know Gerard done said he forgave me but I know deep down he still hates me. I even hate myself nothing I can say will make things right again, I don’t won’t to let him go but keeping him here would be wrong. He wanted to leave I could tell it in his eyes he wanted to escape I was going to keep my word I will help him.

Days went by before we finally reach South Carolina, I had no idea what place in South Carolina we were headed. The night was slowly coming my dad found a motel so we pulled into the parking lot. My parents got of the car headed towards the front desk.

“If you want to leave, I would leave now if I where you, “I said not even looking at him.

“If I leave now they’ll know I’m gone, “He said.

“If you leave now they won’t know where you went, they won’t go looking for you since they have no idea where you ran too, “I replied.

“I’m not leaving I can’t risk it, I’ll stay. Why do you want to help me anyway, “He ask. I could feel his eyes on me looking right at me.

“Fine do whatever you want. Like I said if you want to leave, I will help you, I cannot make you stay, “I said still not looking at him.

I had no emotion in my voice I didn’t won’t him to know this was killing me, I didn’t won’t him to leave that was the last thing I would ever want. I cannot be selfish if this is what he wants then all I can do is give him what he wants. Soon after my parents came out telling us to get out of the car, we went into room 505. All rooms that we stay in look the same every room has the same thing just the color is different.

Gerard and I walking into our own room I closed the door behind me; I walk towards my bed and lay down. I wish all the time I was somewhere else somewhere far away that I had a normal family, normal parents who loved me. I know my parents loved me but this wasn’t love stealing someone else’s child is not normal.

“You can make me stay all you have to do is tell your parents that I’m planning to escape, so what’s the real reason, “He ask while sitting on his bed.

“Like I said I can’t make you stay I never made anyone stay, if I could I would make this all go away but I can’t. If I could I would have normal parents but again I cannot make that happen either, why do you care you hate me, “I replied while looking at him.

“I don’t hate you I done told you that, I just can’t trust you. Part of me wants to but I just can’t. I know you don’t won’t this I can look at your eyes and see this is not what you want, why do you just run away with me, “He ask.

I look at him shock like he wanted me to run away with him, maybe this would be my only chance of ever leaving.

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