Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abducted

Just Stay

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-03-10 - Updated: 2010-03-11 - 889 words - Complete

I could not believe the words that left my mouth I was even shock I had said it. Part of me did feel bad for Frank I could tell this was not the life he wanted. The other part of me felt like this was a trick that as soon as I did try to leave his parents would know what I was doing, as if he was telling them. Maybe I shouldn’t have told him that now I wish I could have took it back.

“I can’t leave this is my only home I have, “He said while looking at me.

“This isn’t the life you want though I can tell it in your eyes, “I replied. I wish I would stop talking him into escaping with me.

“I won’t life this isn’t the life I wanted I want a normal family but I can’t have that. But if you want to escape, I will help you, “He said.

I wanted to believe every word that was coming out of his mouth but I couldn’t I was lied to before.

“Again why do you want to help me? You said before I was your future husband, “I said hoping I would get some kind of answer.

“I can tell you want to leave I mean who wouldn’t I would even leave. And you are but I can’t make you stay or doing something that you don’t won’t. It was not my idea to steal you or to kill your parents this was my whole parents idea, like I said this has been going on in our family for many years, “ He explain.

It’s hard to believe that some people steal children thinking it’s alright, that this is the only way for their children to meet their future partner.

“Can I ask you another question, “I ask.

“Sure, “He said

“Are those your real parents, or did they steal you, “I ask hoping I didn’t ask something I wasn’t suppose too.

“Their my real parents I done ask that question. At first when I was around eight I thought they were not my real parents. Sometimes I wish they wasn’t I wish I could trade my parents. I know they do love me and never cause any harm but still this isn’t right, “He replied.

I could tell in his voice this was hard to talk about it’s not everyday your parents go out and steal children. It must be hard going through this I know I couldn’t do this if my parents ever done this. Maybe I should stay his parents never cause me any harm besides sticking me with that needle, they seem so loving and caring like you would never think they could do something like this.

“Maybe I should stay, “I said while not even looking at him.

“Why, “He ask.

“I’m like you I have no home anymore so what do I have to lose, “I replied.

“You can have a real life you can escape from this; you don’t won’t this, “He said while still looking at me.

“I had no life before I was always alone I had no friends hardly, I had a brother but he moved in with our grandparents reason why I had no idea, “I replied.

“I thought you wanted to get away from me, I know deep down you still hate me for what happen, “He said while looking down.

“As I said before I don’t hate you, it’s just hard to trust you. I mean it’s only been almost a week since I meet you. What would happen if I did leave, “I ask.

“I know and I understand. My parents would make me find someone new, and this would keep happening until the right one stayed and when we get older we would marry, “ He explain once again.

I just couldn’t let someone else be where I was I wouldn’t won’t that child to get through this. Maybe I should stay what else do I have to lose.

“ I just can’t let some poor child come into this, I’ll stay for now. I still don’t know why you pick me of all people, “ I said while sitting up on my bed.

“ You have to good of a heart you know, if I were you I would have done left. But I’m really glad your staying even though I know you don’t won’t too. I could just tell you were different from everyone else, I wanted to get to know you but not in this way, “ He said while looking at me.

“ I’ve been told I had a good heart I just never believe it. I don’t know why I want to stay, part of me doesn’t won’t some other child going through this and I want to stay, “ I replied.

I couldn’t really say why I wanted to stay I know if this was anyone else that person would have done left when they had the chance. Some feeling is telling me to stay I just wish I could tell why.

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