Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abducted

Believe You

by xFamousLivingDeadx 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-03-23 - Updated: 2010-03-23 - 847 words - Complete

Sleep never came to me after sleeping the car for days I was not even tired, I lay in my bed watching Gerard sleep. I still didn’t understand why he wanted to stay if I could I was escape and not even look back. I was beyond happy he was staying that maybe he would start to like me or even trust me, but I knew deep down this was not the life he wanted I didn’t even won’t this life. Before I even knew it morning had come I got up from my bed and headed into my parents room. As I walk in, I saw them talking which stop as soon as I walk in, I had a bad feeling.

“Frank we need to talk, “My mom said while her green eyes look at me.

“About what, “I ask in confusing

“About Gerard. We have a feeling his going to try an escape again, is that true, “My dad said while looking at me also.

My heart stop beating I froze there was no way I was going to tell the truth I wasn’t going to betray Gerard’s trust.

“No that’s not true, why would you even think that. Just because he escape once doesn’t mean his going to try again. His scared he doesn’t won’t to be here, we kidnap him from his house I would feel the fucking same if I was him, “I replied in angry.

I felt like the world was lifting off of me as I let my angry out I had so much in me that I just kept inside I didn’t won’t to stop.

“Frank please clam down, we didn’t mean to make you angry. You have to understand that we are worried his going to try an escape again, “Mom said trying to clam me.

“No I don’t understand and I never will. If you hurt him, in anyway I would run away myself, “I said before walking back into my room.

My parents knew I was being serious when I threaten to run away, I never got angry with my parents but this time they just went too far. I walk in to find Gerard awake, I didn’t know if he had heard me part of me hope he did so he can see how much I do care for him.

“I heard what you said, you would really run away for me “He ask while looking at me.

“Yes I would. I want you to know I do care for you even if you don’t care for me which you shouldn’t anyway since I’m the reason you’re here, “ I said while looking down.

Silent filled the room I was still looking down I couldn’t look at him in the eyes before I had time to think I felt his arms warp around me. I was shock this was the last thing I except from him, but at the same time, it felt wonderful to be in his arms.

“I’m sorry for saying I hated you, I never did I was just angry what happen. I realize you’r dad did lie to you. Can you forgive me for saying I hated you, “He ask while still hugging me.

“Don’t be sorry you have nothing to be sorry for, it was me. But if it makes you feel better then I do forgive you, “I replied.

I never wanted this moment to end I was starting to fall for him more every minute of the day, I know he will never see me that way I mean I’m the reason why his here he should be hating me. Maybe there is hope at least I hope there could be.

“Do you believe me when I say I’m going to stay, “He ask while letting go.

“I believe you and I know there might be a day when you do want to leave and if that day does come I’ll help you in anyway I can, “I said.

This was killing me on the inside I never wanted him to leave the thought of that was tearing me apart but I couldn’t be selfish if he wanted to leave then all I could do was just help him out.

“ I’m not going to leave not until I feel like something bad is going to happen. I won’t leave, “ He replied.

“ You don’t won’t to stay here there’s nothing holding you back, trust me you’ll leave soon, “ I said in a soft tone.

“ What if I do want to stay because of you, “ He said while looking at me with his hazel eyes.

“ Why me? You don’t need to stay here because of me, “ I replied.

He just look at me with his hazel eyes as if he wanted to tell me the real reason but something was holding him back.

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