Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abducted


by xFamousLivingDeadx 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-03-29 - Updated: 2010-03-30 - 702 words - Complete

He look at me as if he was waiting for me to answer him any minute now. The problem was I had no answer I had no idea why I wanted to stay here with him. Part of me did feel bad for him I could tell by the look in his eyes he hated all of this, as if he could he would just run away and never look back. I wasn’t ready to get married specially to someone who I barely even know. This wasn’t right no one should be force to get married.

“Why do you let your parents force you into this, “I ask trying to change the subject.

“I have no other choice I don’t have a voice in this, the only time I can say something is if I like the person or not. But answer my question, “He replied.

For a second I thought maybe he would take the hint that I didn’t won’t to answer his question, it would be better if I had an answer for it.

“I don’t know why I want to stay here, I just do I can’t explain it, “I said.

At least I didn’t like because it was the truth I had no real answer I had no idea why I wanted to stay here, I could have run away anytime I wanted too but I never did. Just then, his mom came into the room telling us it was time for us to leave. Frank got up from his bed and followed his mom; I got up to follow him. My mind was telling me to make a run for it to just run and don’t look back, but I had nowhere to go. My heart was telling me to stay I couldn’t explain why I was listening to my heart.

All of us got into the car before heading off down the road; all you could see were fields of grass and power lines. No one houses were around I love this scene I would love to live away out here, no one to bother you. It has always been my dream to buy a house way out in the country scene with my husband but I knew the husband part wouldn’t come true, until now.

I look over towards my left to see Frank looking out of his window as if his lost into his thoughts. Maybe part of me did like him more then I should I couldn’t help but to like him. I turn my head back to my window, could I really see myself married to him. His the only person who ever thought I was beautiful which I don’t see why he thinks that, his the only person who really listens to me.

I still had no idea if I could see us married I didn’t even know if we had anything in common. I always thought maybe I would find love at first sight not being kidnap from my home and being force to marry some stranger. Maybe I should just run away the next free chance I get I don’t belong here; I’m suppose to be married to some stranger. I just kept on looking at my window hoping my mind would be made up.

*Eight hours later*

I open my eyes to see it was nighttime I felt something on my shoulder I turn to my left to see Frank laying on my shoulder asleep. I just look at him he look so peaceful my heart skip a beat I didn’t won’t to feel like this but I was starting to like him. His hair barely covering his eyes for some reason I kind of wish the moment would last. His legs were up on the sit as if he was laying and using my shoulder for a pillow. I slowly hold his head up and laying it on my lap. He kind of move a little but didn’t wake up. Maybe staying wouldn’t be so bad after all.

Sorry for the shortness. Thanks for the reviews. Review?
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