Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abducted

Have You Seen Me?

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-04-01 - Updated: 2010-04-01 - 835 words - Complete

We finally made it South Carolina we were in Charleston, the rich part of the state. I look over towards Gerard he was sleeping he look so peaceful, I still can’t believe he wants to stay here if I were him I would have done run away when I had the chance. Part of me is happy that he stayed makes me think that maybe this could all work out somehow. We pull into a hotel a nice hotel at that, this place was huge my parents got out of the car and headed inside.

“If you want to live now’s your chance, “I said while looking at Gerard.

“I told you I’m not leaving, I’m staying it’s not like I have no other place to go anyway, “He replied.

I knew deep down he did want to leave I don’t blame him for that I would want to leave too. There are moments when I wish I could go back and redo this whole thing; I would have never pick him or anyone at all. No one needs to go threw this I hated my parents for doing this but at the same time I loved them, my parents never treated me wrong or even yelled at me. I hate them for making me go threw this; it wasn’t the way I wanted to fall in love. I don’t won’t to make someone to love me that’s not real love.

My parents came back out telling us to get out of the car, my dad got back in to park the car while the rest of us headed to our rooms.

“We’re staying in a penthouse for a while until we find a house or decide what we are doing next. This will be our home for a while, “My mom said as we got on the elevator.

Home a word I don’t even know anymore I never had a real home a place that I could call home, it was always a camper or a motel room. I had a finally I would never see a real home we would always be on the run; I would never get a chance to live life as a normal person. Finally, we reach top floor we walk into the penthouse, it was beyond nice, but it was never be a place called home.

Gerard and I shared a room even though this place had three bedrooms, for some strange reason he wanted to share with me. Our room was huge we had our own bathroom as well, this penthouse was nice but like I said it would never be my home.

“This place is nice, “Gerard said while sitting on the bed.

“Yeah it but it’s never going to be a place were I can call home. I never had a place that I could call home, “I replied while sitting beside him.

“You never lived in a house before, “He ask.

“Never. It was always a camper or a motel I never got to live in a house, we’re always on the run. How could we live in a house and be a normal family, when your parents are too busy killing people, “I said in angry.

“I’m sorry, I know it must be hard living this life that you never wanted, “He replied.

“It’s alright; it’s the only life I know. And it will be the only know I will never know, I’ll never find someone who will love and give me a normal life, “I said while looking at him.

“I thought that’s why I’m here, to be your future husband, “He said.

“You are but I know you don’t won’t to stay and I’m not going to make you stay. Like I said whenever you want I will help you escape, you don’t need this life, “I replied.

“I told you I’m not leaving I don’t won’t to leave. Before I did want to live but this is the only place that I have. I’m not going to leave you, “He said.

I smiled for the first time in a while, I still didn’t understand why he wanted to stay but I wasn’t going to keep questioning why. After a while Gerard and I headed out to explore I was surprise my parents let us, we headed outside. We started walking down the sidewalk neither of us were saying anything, I kept looking head. I saw something on a pole it as I got closer I saw it was a missing flyer; until I got up to it I saw who it was.


Gerard Way

Birth:07/09/95 Hair: Black
Missing:05/15/09 Eyes :Hazel
Race: White Height: 5’6
Sex: Male Weight: 125
Age Missing: 15. Age Now: 15

Missing From: New Jersey.

That was when I knew this was not good.

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