Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abducted

Don't Lie To Me

by xFamousLivingDeadx 4 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-04-02 - Updated: 2010-04-03 - 1219 words - Complete

My mind ran blank I just stared at the flyer as if I was trying to make it go away. I felt as if I should tell my parents but I feared they would kill Gerard, but if it came down to that I would make sure, it did not happen. There was a medium size picture in the middle of the filer of Gerard. Finally look over towards Gerard I seen his eyes looking at the filer as if he could not believe it his self.

“What are we going to do, “Gerard ask while not taking his eyes off the filer.

“I have no idea. If you want, we can tell my parents but if you don’t won’t too then we won’t. I will not make you do anything you don’t won’t too, “I said while looking at him.

He didn’t say anything he just kept staring at the filer; it was true I wasn’t going to make him do anything he didn’t won’t too do. I felt my heart racing I knew it wouldn’t be long before we got caught, I knew we couldn’t keep running forever. Angry was building up this was all my parents fault, if I just had normal parents none of this would be happening.

“We should tell them, their going to find out sooner or later, “Gerard said while breaking the silence

“Are you sure? We don’t have too, “I replied.

“I’m sure like I said they will find out sooner or later, “He said while looking back at me.

I grab the filer off the pole and headed back to the hotel, fear was starting to build up I had no idea how my parents were going to handle this. Before I even realize it we reach the room, I slowly open the door to see my parents in the living room area.

“That didn’t take long, “My mom said while looking at us.

“Mom, dad there’s something I need to show you, “I said while hiding the filer behind my back.

“What it is Frank, “Dad said while looking at me.

I slowly gave my dad the filer my heart was racing I had no idea what was going to happen. My parents just started at the filer.

“Where did you find this at, “Mom ask while looking at me with her green eyes.

“On a pole not too far from the hotel. Gerard and I were walking down the sidewalk when I notice the filer, “I replied.

“Gerard do you have any idea who could have told the police about you, “My dad ask Gerard.

“The only person I can think of is my Grandmaw but I haven’t seen her since last winter. And my brother but like I said I haven’t seen either on them since last winter. I wouldn’t think they would be looking for me, “Gerard replied.

“Dad what are we going to do, “I ask in fear.

“If your thinking we’re going to kill him then your wrong, we would never do that. Gerard would you want to change your look, or what would you want to do” Dad asks Gerard.

“I could change my look if it would help, I don’t won’t to cause any trouble or have people notice me, “He replied.

“Again this is your choice we would never make you do anything you don’t won’t too, “My mom said while looking at him.

“I want to change my look, “Gerard said.

“Alright. Tomorrow we will go to the mall and get everything we need to make you look different, “Dad said while throwing the filer away.

Part of me was happy that my parents didn’t get angry at the filer or planning to kill him, I just wish this was all a dream that none of this was real. I have no idea what I would do if my parents did get caught where would I go I had no other family. Gerard and I went into our room I had to talk to him; I had to see how he felt about all of this.

“Do you really want to change your look, “I ask while breaking the silence

“Yes I do, really I don’t care. I thought about changing my look for a long time now, “He replied while sitting on the bed.

“I hate that this is all happening, I wish you would have took the chance to runaway. You don’t belong here you shouldn’t be going through this, I should have never choose you, “I said.

“Do you regret choosing me because you don’t like me anymore, or what? “ He ask while looking at me.

“No it’s none of that. I regret choosing you because no one needs to go through this; it’s hard for me to go through all of this. I never thought about how it would be bring some stranger into this when it’s not fair. You didn’t ask for this kind of life, you should be hating my guts right now, “I replied while looking away from him.

“I don’t hate you really I don’t. I know none of this was your choice you cannot help that this was what you are raised on. No one needs this kind of life not even you but I know it’s hard living your parents their the only family you have. I can see they love you and their not the normal bad people, even though they do kill, I want to stay really, “He said.

“Why do you want to stay? If I were you, I would have done left a long time ago. You shouldn’t won’t to stay, you don’t need this life, “I said.

“I just want to stay, why do you have to keep asking me the same question over again, “He ask. It was as if he was trying to hide the real reason why he wanted to stay.

“Because no one would want to stay, I don’t even won’t to stay but I have too. You shouldn’t be staying because you feel sorry for me and think you have too. Just tell me the real reason why you want to stay, “I said hoping he would just tell me.

“I can’t tell you the real reason, “He mumble to his reason.

“Why not? You can tell me anything, I tell you anything. You’re staying here because you feel sorry for as if you need to stay here so you won’t feel bad, “I said in angry.

“No its’ not damn it. I want to stay because I’m starting to fall for you. There I said it yes I’m starting to fall for and it’s starting to scary me I’m not suppose to like you but I do. I hide the reason because I know if I said it then it will become real, and I don’t know how to deal with it, “He yelled.

My mind went blank once again I was lost for words.

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