Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abducted

Just Blame Me

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-04-05 - Updated: 2010-04-05 - 787 words - Complete

I could not believe the words that left my mouth I could not believe I just told Frank how I felt. I tried so hard to push my feelings away but every time I thought my feelings were gone it always return. I don’t won’t to get too close to him I can’t love him, it’s wrong to love him. His the one who brought me here his the one who pick me out as if I was some toy, that he wouldn’t be happy until he had me. I also knew it wasn’t his fault he was raised this way, but he could have pick anyway else besides me. I won’t lie I do have a lot of angry but I can’t take it out all on him, it’s not all his fault.

“Forget I said anything, I can’t fall for you. Let’s just act as if I never said anything, “I said while not taking my eyes off the wall. I couldn’t look him in the eyes I knew if I did, I would give into him.

“How can I forget what you just said? Why can’t you just let your self be happy, it’s not wrong to feel how you do, “He said. I could feel his eyes burning onto my skin.

“Yes it is I’m not supposed to love you, you’re the bad person. Remember you are the reason why I’m here, cause you pick me out as if I was some damn toy you wanted I’m not a toy. You took me away from my family! “I replied while letting all my angry out.

I never meant to let all my angry out I just couldn’t stop it was like the more I said the better I was feeling, I shouldn’t be putting all the blame on him it wasn’t right.

“I know you’re not supposed to love me I fucking get it. I know you fucking hate my guts! You don’t know how much I blame myself everyday for making you go through all of this, if I could I would never have pick you. But I can’t go back in time and I’m fucking sorry I can’t. I never wanted this damn life all I ever wanted was to have a normal family, so go ahead and blame all your shit on me, “He yelled in angry before running off.

I just stood there I couldn’t find any words to say, I never seen him that angry before. I shouldn’t be blaming him forever it was never his fault. He never ask to be brought into this family, he never ask for these kinds of parents. I started to feel bad for yelling at him I just couldn’t stop myself, I had so much angry build up inside me I just had to let it out.

I finally snap out of it and headed out into the living room, were I saw Frank’s parents sitting on the couch. I started to fear that they would be mad at me for making Frank angry.

“Do you have any idea why Frank just ran out of the room, “His mom asks while looking at me.

“No I don’t, “I lied.

“Do you mind going to make sure his alright, “His mom asks.

I nod my head before leaving I had no idea where Frank could be, I started to worry a little. I shouldn’t be falling for him it was beyond wrong I can’t love someone who kidnapped me from my own home, but then again it was never his fault. Frank was the fight person who ever cared for me this much and also like me this much, everyone says love is a strange thing but a wonderful thing to have. I can’t say it’s love I’m feeling but it’s something, I just don’t know if I should be happy or runaway from me feeling.

I started to walk down the sidewalk hoping to find Frank sitting up against a wall, but as I kept walking he was no where to be found. I started to worry more I just wanted to find him to make sure he was alright, there was people walking around, I just hope no one saw who I was. Small part of me wish someone would see the flyer and know who I am. I promise Frank I wasn’t going to leave him, maybe I should just runaway while I’m free.

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