Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abducted

Better Off Without You

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-04-17 - Updated: 2010-04-18 - 689 words - Complete

I wanted to run to be free in my heart I wanted to stay but my mind kept screaming for me to just run. No one would know I had run away, it would be too late before they knew. All I had to do was just run to anywhere but some how my legs didn’t run. I kept looking for Frank I had no idea why I shouldn’t be caring for him but my feelings were not going away. I just wanted to be sure he was alright, I hate that I yelled at him this wasn’t his entire fault. He also didn’t have to pick but it’s not like he wanted too.

I had no idea how many minutes have past by I just kept on looking, until I decide to go look on the beach. I turn to my right and walk down the path that lead to the beach. Once my feet touch the sand I headed towards the right I have no idea why but something told me I should. I was half way down the beach when I saw someone sitting on the large rocks; I walk closer and saw it was Frank. I was happy that I finally found him and that he was alright. I climb on the rocks to sit beside him.

“Do you have any idea how worried your parents are, “I ask him while looking at him.

He didn’t say a word he just kept staring at the ocean watching the waves go in and out as if I wasn’t even here. I knew he was angry with me even upset but still I was the one who went looking for him.

“So you’re not going to talk to me? Even though I’m the one who went looking for you, “I ask him while still looking at him.

“You could careless about me; you only went looking for me because my parents ask you too. I’m surprise you didn’t run away, “He said before getting off the rocks.

I was lost for words I was the one who went looking for him and yet he doesn’t even care, I could have run away it cross my mind but I didn’t. Angry started to build up inside me.

“You know what next damn time I’ll just leave you out here, yeah I could have run away but I didn’t. I wanted to make sure you were alright. I have a heart even though you may not think that. Sorry for trying to be a good person, next time I wont look for you “I replied in angry.

I got off the rocks and headed the other way I did one good thing and he could careless. I didn’t have to go looking for him I could have easily escaped but I choose to look for him.

“Admit if you wasn’t afraid of my parents you would have looked for me, you would have done run away, “He said. I could hear him following me, how dare he say I’m afraid of his parents at first I was but know I wasn’t.

“I’m not afraid of your parents you don’t know how I fucking feel. I’ll do us both a damn favor and just run away, or are you going to run to mommy and daddy telling them I’m running away. Which I think you would since it seems like you’re the one who is afraid of them, “I said while turning around facing him.

“Go head run away I don’t give a damn, I’ll be better off without you. And just so, you fucking know I’m not afraid of my fucking parent’s asshole, “He said in angry.

I started to walk away I had no other words to say he was right he would be better off without me. And to think I started to fall for him.

Sorry for the long, this week has been bad. Thanks for the reviews
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