Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abducted


by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-04-21 - Updated: 2010-04-22 - 791 words - Complete

I stared watching him walk away I wanted to run after him I wanted to yell out stop but the words would not leave my mouth. All I could do was stand there to watch him walk away from everything; this wasn’t how I wanted things to go. He didn’t have to come look for him he could have easily ran away but he didn’t instead he went out looking for me. I lied I wouldn’t be better off without him I was so angry the words just came out of my mouth. I wish I could go back and stop it from happening but it’s all too late.

Finally, I snap out of it I couldn’t just let him leave no like this, he was finally falling for me and here I was just letting him get away. I started to run towards him I wasn’t going to call out his name in fear he would just run off, finally I caught up to him and grab his hand. He look at me with angry and confused, I finally had him and I was lost for words.

“What do you want? Not done yelling at me, go head I’m listening, “He said in angry.

“I know you’re scared of falling for me, you don’t have to be scared. I know this wasn’t the way you wanted to find love neither did I. Just don’t walk away from this, “I said trying to make him understand.

“Did you just not say you would be better off without me? Or did I just hear the wind say that, “He replied.

“I know I’m an asshole tell me something I don’t know, I didn’t mean any of that. I was angry I’m sorry. Your right you could have easily ran away from all of this but you didn’t, you went to look for me. Because you know deep down you couldn’t run away no matter how hard you try. I know neither of us plan on finding love this way or better yet our better half, but it’s happen don’t run away in fear, “ I said hoping something I said would make him stay.

“This whole thing scares me this was never how I picture one finding love, or someone to call mine. I never thought this would happen too, I also never thought I would find love. I thought I would always be alone and never get married. Then it change when I met you, at first I didn’t won’t nothing to do with you but after you open up to me and let me see the real you I started to fall a little. Then somehow I started to fall for you hard it was starting to scary me badly, I’m not suppose to fall for you. I know this isn’t the life you want no one would want this life, and I know you would do anything to get away from it but you can’t. I don’t know what I’m running from I think some of its fear, but the other part is freedom, “He replied.

I would do anything to get away from this life but I just can’t walk away from this, I was already in trouble as it is. I help my dad killing people I never wanted too but he always told me I had too, that it was the right thing to do. That it was the only way I could have my true love by killing the people who would stop it from happening it.

“Your right you’re not suppose to fall for me no should fall for me, I’m already in trouble as it is. You should be free from this you don’t need this life no one does besides me because it’s the only life I ever known. Out of all those boys we kidnap you are the only one who I started to fall for, and I’m not sorry for that. I am sorry for bringing you into this all I wanted was someone to love to have someone to love me back, I know my parents say that do but I don’t want their love. Go on be free I understand, “I said while not looking at him.

I started to walk away to let him be free this was for the best; I had to let him go. He wanted to be free but before I could get away, I felt him grab my hand and then he kiss me.

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