Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abducted

Changing Look

by xFamousLivingDeadx 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-05-05 - Updated: 2010-05-06 - 733 words - Complete

I could not believe he was kissing me I would have never thought this would happen. I kiss back my mind was still racing. It seemed like we were kissing forever but it real life it was just a few minutes, I pulled back still not believing what just happen. I had no idea what to think all the angry I had was no longer there, my feelings for him have grown stronger by just that kiss.

“ Please stay, I want you to stay. I need you to stay, “ He said while looking at me, his eyes look at me pleading to stay.

I could never leave now even if I had to there was no going back this was where I wanted to be. I would have never thought it would have turn out this way, I won’t lie part of me did want my freedom back but it wasn’t worth leaving him.

“ I will stay, I can’t leave even if I wanted too. I realize this was where I want be, “ I replied.

And there was his smile then smile that I haven’t seen in days, the smile I have grown to love. We made our way back to the hotel. I never thought I would find love like this I never thought love was for me, it’s true everyone finds love in strange ways. Once we got back to the hotel Frank’s parents were worried but felt better once they knew we were alright. I was beyond happy on how the day turn out but deep down I knew it wasn’t going to stay like this for long.

Next Day

The next day Frank’s mom took us to the mall to change my look. I was excited about changing my look but I also wanted to ran away. I won’t lie part of me does want to run away to have my freedom back to have my normal life back but now that I have Frank I can’t leave. In some strange way I’m glad Frank pick me I knew if this did not happen I would forever be alone.

“ I’m giving you each $500 to spend. You to can go off and buy what you want. Come back here in three hours, “ His mom said before handing us the money.

Once we got the money we walk away, I did not see how his parents had this much money. Part of me wanted to just run away together we had $1000 enough to get us by for a week. But I knew deep down Frankie would not go for it.

“ I can tell what your thinking, you’re wanting us to just run away, “ He said as we walk.

“ How can you tell, “ I ask.

“ By the expression on your face, it’s always the same when you're thinking about runaway, “ He replied.

“ Oh. But I know you don’t won’t too, “ I said knowing he wouldn’t.

“ It’s not that I don’t won’t to believe me if I could I would have done been free by now. It’s just you can’t runaway from this. I’m already going to jail and hell, so what’s the point of even running away, “ He said with a sad look.

“ You didn’t do anything, it was your dad that made you do all of that. And if your going to hell then so am I, “ I replied hoping he would believe me.

“ I wish I could believe you but I can’t, but let’s just get what we want. I’m helping you with your new look, “ He said with a fake smile.

I just smiled back I could see the sadness in his eyes but he was trying to hide it. I wish there was some way I could show him his not going to jail this is not his fault. We went into a hair salon I wanted to change my hair but I had no clue as to what.

“ Hello boys how may I help you, “ The lady ask.

“ I want to dye my hair and cut it, “ I replied.

“ Alright do you know what color, “ She ask while looking at me.

I thought for a minute before saying,

“ Blond”

Sorry about the long wait. Thanks for the reivews. Review?
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