Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abducted

New Me

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-05-26 - Updated: 2010-05-27 - 590 words - Complete

I look in the mirror over and over looking at my new blond hair, I still could not believe I chose blond. I look way different my hair was short, I forgot what the old me look like. I turn to towards Frank to see him just looking at me as if he couldn’t be the change or the fact he hated the new look. No one would recognize me now I was no longer the kid in the filer I was someone new.

“ What do you think, “ I ask nervously to Frankie.

“ It’s a big change, you defiantly do not look the same. I love it, in some strange way it fits you, “ He replied with a smile.

I felt way better knowing he did not hate the new look, I was still getting use it. I was not going to stay like this forever I couldn’t see myself as a blond forever. After getting my hair dyed we headed towards other stores I still needed new clothes, if I was changing my hair I had to change my look as well. Part of me did want to grab Frankie and just run out the door, knowing that freedom is just outside the doors was killing me. I knew I could easily run away to have my freedom but I was not going to leave Frankie I couldn’t, no matter how much I wanted my freedom it wasn’t worth leaving Frankie for.

After going into three stores I bought jeans, and shirts stuff I would never buy. I had to change who I was the kid who wear black about all the time, and band shirts. I would never do this for anyone else I would never change who I was but I knew I had too so no one would see me, and so I blend in with the family. Three hours went by before we went back to the spot to wait on Frank’s mom, just then she came walking really fast her face was like she had seen a ghost.

“ Mom are you okay, “ Frank ask in a worried tone.

“ We need to leave now, do not make a scene just act normal, and whatever you do don’t draw attention, “ She said in a hush tone.

I had no idea what was going on I thought someone might be after us or she stole something and that she did not wont to be caught. I was looking around carefully trying to see someone walking towards, or an angry sales person yelling.

“ Mom can you please tell me what’s going on, “ Frank ask once again.

“ Not now Frank, we just need to leave this please now, “ She said as she begin to walk.

I knew something was wrong his mom wasn’t acting right I could tell by then it wasn’t be stealing something, someone was after us. We begin to walk towards the doors it seem like the doors were miles away, I began to worry what if someone was after us I would not be surprise.

“ I’m really scared now, I never saw her act this way something is really wrong, “ Frankie whisper to me.

“ Don’t be scared I’m sure it’s nothing, “ I said. I wasn’t going to let him know I was worried. Before we headed out the doors I look behind me one last time to see two police officers.

Sorry for the long wait. Thanks for the reviews
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