Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abducted

You'r Wrong

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2010-06-09 - Updated: 2010-06-10 - 775 words - Complete

My heart had stop I could not believe what I saw, there was my freedom. All I had to do was to open my mouth and just yell as loud as I could. But I couldn’t I was afraid if I did yell out that Frank’s mom would make sure I would never speak again. So I just let the door close and followed Frankie, part of me was happy in a way but the other side of me wanted to just run back. We all got into the car, my freedom was right in front of me and I just let it slip away.

Before I knew it we were back at the hotel I was going to try and be happy this was the life I would ever get. I had someone who loved me I couldn’t just give it all away just so I could have my freedom back, I knew deep down it was not worth it.

“ We’re going to stay out here for a while, “ Frank told his mother.

She just smiled and headed into the hotel, Frank look at me as if he knew what I was thinking about this whole time. I still do not understand how he could tell what my mind was thinking without even asking. We started to walk towards the beach.

“ I know you wanted to run towards the cops, I know you were thinking about yelling out, “ Frank said as we walk onto the beach.

“ I won’t lie to you I wanted too but I couldn’t, I can’t just leave you it’s not worth it,” I replied.

“ Your freedom is worth it, you shouldn’t be caring about me. I was hoping you would have scream or did something but you didn’t, that was your chance to finally have your freedom back and you just let it slip away all because of me, “ He said as he stop in front me.

“ I’m not leaving you no matter how hard I try I can’t, my freedom is not worth it if it means I have to leave you. I wish you would see that to know I won’t leave to you, I could never, “ I said while looking at him.

“ I believe you the look in your eyes says it all, but I know one day you’re going to have to chose between me and your freedom, I hope you chose your freedom, “ He said as we started to walk again.

I did not say anything I was running out of things to say it seems like no matter how I put it or how many times I would say it he would never really believe me. His always going to think one day I will leave him for my freedom, if I was not with him then I would run away in a heart beat. I know if anyone else was in my shoes they would have done runaway, would have took the first chance at freedom but for me I can’t.

“ What if I don’t chose my freedom, what if I chose you, “ I ask him.

“ I would think your crazy that you must not won’t your freedom that bad, but at the same time I would be happy to know you chose me. But I know deep down that time comes it won’t happen that way, “ He said.

I started to wonder if he knew something I didn’t he kept saying when the day comes, I wonder what it meant. I knew there may be a day when his parents get caught but in some ways I do not see that happening or at least anytime soon.

“ I wish I could prove you wrong or you would really believe me. I couldn’t chose my freedom over you I just couldn’t, “ I said while looking at him.

“ You say this now but when freedom is standing right in front of you will forget what you have said and go with your freedom, that’s how it works. I’m not saying all of this because I won’t you to leave me to think I never love you because that’s far from the truth, I want you to have your life back, “ He replied.

To be honesty I no longer want my old life I never really happen one, I was mostly alone all my life. Maybe when this day comes I prove him wrong.

Wow, sorry about the long wait. I will update soon again. Thanks for the reviews. Review?
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