Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abducted

Two Months

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-06-20 - Updated: 2010-06-21 - 659 words - Complete

Two months have passed since I have been kidnap, I never thought I would like it. I have started to like Frank’s parents their never mean towards me, I still can’t see them as killers though. We were still living in the penthouse in South Carolina, his parents were still looking for a house a place that was away from everyone, some where no one could find us.

As the months went on Frank and I have grown closer, before I would have never thought I would like someone. When I first met him I wanted nothing to do with him I was planning my way out, but all of that had change. Now I can’t see my life without him I never thought something like this could happen to me. Part of Frank still think’s I’m going to leave him any day now I have tried so hard to tell him I wasn’t but he just won’t believe it.

In two months no one has ever notice me the filers are no longer around, I’m just another person in the world. Even though people can tell I don’t belong in Frank’s family no one ever questions who I am or anything, I can finally be myself. It took this life to make me realize I could love someone that there was someone out there who can love me.

Frank and I were walking along on the beach like we always did every day. I never want to trade this life I know it may seem crazy but this was where I belong.

“ It’s been two months, do you still think I’m going to leave?, “ I ask him.

“ Not really I started to believe you, I can tell you want to stay. There’s still a little part of me that still thinks you will leave but I’m trying, “ He said with a smile.

That was a start before he would never listen to me, always said I would leave one day. I won’t lie there have been times I thought about what if I have ran away but I could never make myself run away, not now anyway. After an hour of walking we headed back to our room, as we got into the hotel I notice there was a lot of police man, I knew this was not good. Just then Frank’s parents came down handcuff, with police man walking along with them.

“ Are you Frank Iero?, “ A police officer ask Frank.

“ Yes I am, “ Frank replied nervously

“ Your going to have to come with me, “ The police officer said

Frank shook his head slowly and turn towards me, his eyes had tears in them. I could not believe what was going on, this had to be a dream this could not be real.

“ Gerard don’t wait on me please, go be free this is your chance to have freedom, “ He said while looking at me.

“ I told you a million times I’m not leaving you, I’m going to be with you. I will wait on no matter how long I have to wait, don’t worry everything will be alright, I promise, “ I replied.

Before Frank could reply the police officer took him away, I just watch as the police man took my world away.

“ Are you Gerard Way?, “ Another police officer ask me.

“ Yes I am, “ I replied.

“ Your safe now son, were going to take you down to the station so you give a report then we will have you back with your family, “ The police officer said.

There was only one problem I had no family besides my Grandmaw but I don’t think she would want to see me. I was not going to leave Frank, some how I had to make this right.

This story will have 30 chaptes. Thanks for the reviews. Review?
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