Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abducted

Not Without A Fight

by xFamousLivingDeadx 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-08-03 - Updated: 2010-12-20 - 605 words - Complete

Police officers every where you look so many have question me, repeating this same damn line your safe now. I was always fucking safe I was never in any danger I kept trying to tell them that but they never listen to me. I wanted out of here I wasn’t suppose to be here, everything was going great until now. I haven't seen Frank at all the last time I saw him was when he was getting taken away from me.

I was sitting in a small room with no windows a light was hanging above me, there was a small table in the middle. I was sitting at the table with a police man across from me, trying every way to get me to talk but I wouldn’t say a word.

“ Can you tell me why the kidnap you? I promise their no longer going to hurt you, you are safe now, “ The police man said.

“ I was never in danger, they never hurt me. They kidnap me because I was suppose to marry their son. I will admit at first I wanted to run away I tried to run away but I ended up going back. I realize they would never hurt me in anyway, they just wanted their son to be happy. I started to fall in love something I thought would never happen, I was happy for the first time in my damn life. Yes they killed my parents and many more. My parents were never happy with me being gay they act like it did not bother them but I know deep down they wish they never had a fag for a son, “ I said in angry.

“ Your trying to tell me you were happy with these people? These people who killed people without regret, without any second thoughts?, “ The police man ask in shock.

“ I know it sounds crazy like I’m brain wash or something, but the truth is I was. They never seem the people to kill, I use to be afraid they would end up killing me it never happen. They treated me as if I was their own son something my parents forgot how to do. I know their never going to see daylight, but Frank had nothing to do with this. He wanted to leave his parents but he knew he had no where to go, that they were the only thing he had. Don’t lock him up for something he didn't do, “ I replied in hoping the police would believe me.

“ It’s not up to me to lock him up, it’s going to be up to the court. You can tell your story and anything you need to say to help Frank. The court date is set at the end of the week, normally it would set longer but this is a trial that needs to happen now. For the week we will let you stay in a safe house and then after the court decides what happen we will go from there, “ Police officer said.

I just nodded in respond I had no words to say this was a lot to take in, Frank’s future was in the hands of the court. I was going to do whatever it took to make sure Frank would get out of this, he did not belong in jail. I had no idea what I would do if the court decides he should be in jail, his my world the only person I have. I was not going down without a fight, I was going to tell my story.

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