Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abducted

Moment Of Truth

by xFamousLivingDeadx 5 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-08-24 - Updated: 2010-08-25 - 1051 words - Complete

Note:Im sorry for the spelling errors on the stories. I use Microsoft Works Word and I'm realizing it doesn't get every mistake,so forgive me. I'm going to try to get the mistakes and use something better.

The day finally came I could barely sleep the night before thoughts were running through my head. I would only have one chance to tell my story to help Frank, to make everything right. I would be the only victim there all the others were to afraid or wanted nothing to do with this. I would be the only person to help Frank.

Before I could even blink, I was in the courtroom waiting for the judge to enter. My heart was already racing I could feel my hands shake. I heard the door help I look up to see Frank walking in with three police officers, it broke my, he doesn’t belong here. His eyes met mine and for the first time in a week he smile. Not few seconds later his parents enter the room with about five police officers, it was hard to think those people could do the things they did.

Each minute I was becoming more nerves I just wanted everything to be over with. I look up to see the judge entering the room, it felt like my heart just jump out of my chest. There was no turning back I couldn’t even if I tried.

“All rise” The police officer said.

Everyone stood up I never understand why everyone had to stand up when the judge walks in, I see no point.

“You all my be seated, “The police officer said.

It finally begin I watch as Frank told his story from his parents telling theirs. I look at the jury when Frank was up there I could tell by their eyes they did feel sorry for him, so maybe there was hope. Before I knew it was my turn, my only shot of Frankie being free.

“Do you swear to tell the truth, nothing but the truth so help you go, “The office ask me.

“I do, “I said nervously

“You may be sitting then, “The officer said before walking away.

Just then, the Lawyer that was defending for Frank came up. My heart was racing 100mph, I had to stay calm this was my only chance.

“Gerard tell us your story, “He said

“I can remember the day, it was sunny a beautiful day. Me and my parents we’re leaving the mall, something we do every Friday. As we were driving, I notice a car following us but thought nothing about it, once we pulled in our driveway it just went on. And that’s when my life change, it was that night I was sleeping in my bed, I heard a noise I thought it was one of my parents so I really didn’t think nothing about it until I felt someone grab me, before I could even think I was out cold. When I finally woke up, I notice I was in a car and that’s when I met Frank, “I said while trying to stay calm.

“What happen after you woke up, “The Lawyer ask

“I started to freak out, I kept trying to tell them to let me go but it didn’t work. Frank kept telling me to stay calm that everything would be alright but I didn’t believe him. After an hour or so we finally pulled up to an motel and that’s where Frank told me the truth, that his parents kidnap me to be Frank’s husband. He told me the whole story about his family and everything. The next day I tried to escape but I realize I had nowhere to go, so when Frank came looking for me I just went back with him, “I said while feeling sort of calm.

“Did Frank’s parents ever hurt you in anyway after you escape, “The lawyer ask.

“No. The only thing his dad did was gave me a shot of something to make me sleep, that was the only thing, “I replied.

“What happen after that, “He ask.

“At the pointed I hated Frank he had lied to me saying they wouldn’t hurt me or do anything to me when his dad did. I wanted nothing more then to run away, but as time went on Frank and I became close, I forgave him for what happen. I also realize that his parents never meant any harm they only wanted their child to be happy but went the wrong way of doing it. My parents never really been happy with me being gay they acted like it but I could tell. As the months went on, I started to realize I like Frank more then a friend. He was always worried I would run away that I would leave him but I couldn’t. He never wanted that life he wanted out of it but was afraid of what his parents would do. I never thought I would find love I always thought love was not for me but that all change when I met Frank, I realize I could love that there was someone for me to love. He doesn’t belong in jail for something he couldn’t help, for something he didn’t do. He only wanted out but he was too afraid to get out, he never hurt anyone, “I said while looking at Frank.

“That will be all Gerard; you may step down, “The Lawyer said.

I went back to my sit, after every shared their stories the jury headed out of the courtroom. My heart was racing once again; it would now be up to jury if Frank would be set free or not. Hours went by before the jury came back in the courtroom, once everyone was had sat down, the judge walk back in.

“Has the jury reached a verdict, The Judge ask

“We have your honor, we the jury finds Mr. and Mrs. Iero guilt, “The jury said.

“Has jury reached a verdict for Mr. Frank, “The Judge ask.

“We have your honor we the jury finds him…”

Finally update. Five more chapters left. Anyone still read this?
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