Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abducted

Those Two Words

by xFamousLivingDeadx 4 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-08-27 - Updated: 2010-08-28 - 531 words - Complete

My heart was beating 100 miles per minute I thought I was going to pass out any minute now. All kinds of thoughts were going through my mind, so many I had no idea what my mind was really thinking. It seem like it was taking forever for the jury to talk, finally the jury spoke.

“ We have found Frank not guilt, “ The jury said.

I lost for words my face had the biggest smile those two words I’ve been wanting to hear finally been said. I was beyond happy to know Frank was not guilt. Frank look as if he could not believe it as soon as his eyes met mine he smiled. The police office walk over towards Frank and just then Frank came running towards me.

“ I can’t believe it I’m finally free, “ He said while hugging me.

“ I can’t believe it either, words can’t say how happy I am, “ I replied while still hugging him.

“ All because of you if it wasn’t for you telling your story I would have never been free. I can’t even believe you did this for me, “ He said while looking at me.

“ I told you I would never leave you, that I was going to find every way to make sure you were set free, “ I replied.

I never thought this day would come, I never thought we would finally be free. It some ways I was kind of sad his parents never hurt me in anyway, they treated better then my own parents. All they ever wanted was for their son to be happy and I know they did go in the wrong ways of doing that, it’s hard to believe that they could have done what they did. Before the police officer took his parents they walk over towards Frank and me.

“ Please take care of our son, “ His mom said.

“ I will, I’m never letting him go, “ I replied. It was true I was never going to let him go.

“ Bye my son, I’m sorry it had to be this way. Just know we love you. “ His dad said.

“ I know and I love you too and I love you mom, ‘ Frank said while trying not to care.

“ I love you too, “ His mom said before the police officers took them away.

I knew this had to be hard for Frank they were his parents even though he was angry at them he still loved them.

“ I knew this was going to be hard but I didn’t think it would be this hard, “ Frank said trying to hold the tears in.

I just hug him it was a sad moment he would never see his parents again. I knew just how he felt even though I was angry with my parents for pretending to still love me, it didn’t stop me from missing them. We would move on from this it would be hard but I knew we would move on from this.

This chapter suck, I'm sorry for that. Hopefully this story will have 30 chapters, but this story will be ending soon. Thanks for the reviews.
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