Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abducted

Months Later

by xFamousLivingDeadx 4 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-09-08 - Updated: 2010-09-09 - 643 words - Complete

Two month has gone since the whole thing has happen; it was hard moving on but were finally moving on. A few days after Frank was set free my Grandmaw had found me. She said she’s been trying to find me ever since that day I was kidnap. I told her the whole story about what happen, she felt bad for Frank and not once blame him for anything. She was beyond happy to know we were together which made me feel good, my Grandmaw never cared I was gay.

As for my brother Mikey he was lost for words when he saw me but beyond happy at the same time. I was beyond happy as well, I thought I would never see again, his my best friend and the only one who has been there for me. He was also the first person I told about me being gay he never once cared. Him and Frank had become very close friends, which made me happy.

I never thought I would see my Grandmaw or my brother, I also never thought I would be free. I sometimes wonder what my life would have been like if I would have never got kidnap, in some strange way I’m glad I did. If I never got kidnap, I would have never met Frank who has made me the happiest person ever. I would never know what love is I don’t think I would have ever found love if it wasn’t for Frank.

There are times when I do miss my parent’s part of me thinks they did care for me even though half the time I never thought so. I wonder if they would be happy that I met someone who I love, part me wishes they were still here so I would know.

I never seen Frank so happy before I think finally being free from everything as made him happy, he seems more alive and smiles a lot more now. There are moments when he does miss his parents but as the days go on he slowly starts to forget about them, but I know he will never stop loving them.

Slowly life was becoming normal again, even though I don‘t really think I know what normal is anymore. With each passing day is a new day for us and I know one day we can finally let go of the pass and never think of it again.

It was hard forgetting the past some night where I do have nightmares of it happening again but I wake up to see Frank sleeping right next me and I know everything is alright. The nightmares are slowly going away no one will know what I went through and what Frank went through, no one will even come close to understand unless they have been through it.

Having something like this happen in your life it changes you either for the worst or for the better, in my case I was beyond luck it change me for the better. I met the love of my life out of this, most stories like this hardly have a happy ending but I’m lucky to say mine did.

So as I sit outside watching the sun go down something I haven’t done in a while, I know one day my life will go back to normal and the memories will slowly fade away from my mind. As I watch the sun go down I heard the door open, I look to see Frank. He sites besides me and lets his head rest on my shoulder and at the moment, I knew I wouldn’t trade this moment for anything.

I tried to make it to 30 chapters but I couldn't, it would have suck if I did. Thanks for the reviews.
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