Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A Seance Down Below

Twists and Turns

by bubbly-gum 3 reviews

Kichi goes home and I have a question to ask.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2010-02-25 - Updated: 2010-02-26 - 618 words

And now for the chapter where it gets intresting.

Kichi felt something odd about her house. Something wasn't quite right. She couldn't sense her parents, which was always a bonus. The grey stone house loomed into view. It never felt like home to her, just somewhere to stay.

But rather than the usual dread she felt emminating from the house itself, something felt...wrong. Some thing she couldn't quite put her finger on.

Kichi pulled out her keys and carefully openeded the door, everything looked normal. She turned right into the livingroom. Again nothing was out of place, then why did she feel so uneasy?
She checked her entire house, everything was just the way she had left her. Kichi's paretns were clean freaks, unfortunatly for her, Kichi was not.

Kichi gently pushed open the door, her room was tidy-ish. Just a few things lying about. But this was not the room she was now looking at. her clothes were scattered everywhere, some had been shredded. The walls which were a pale purple and had lots of drawings and random lyrics scrawled over them, had been ripped. It was three large score marks, only they had torn chunks out of the wall. It was like claw marks. Werewolf marks to be precise and that's were Kichi drew the line. Fair enough there were things in this world that cannot be explained but werewolves were a step too far. Supernatural(ish) powers Kichi could handle but mythical monsters are something that are not real and she consintantly reminded herself of that.

Everything in her room was either destroyed, ripped up or strewen about. The feeling of un-easyness grew the longer she stayed. Was it too late to change her mind and run back to Mikey and the others? Beg them to let her stay with them? It didn't matter, she knew she had to get out of there either way. Something wasn't right anymore and it wasn't her biggest fan either.

Whatever clothes hadn't been destroyed got throwen into a tiny suitcase, as did her underwear, a jacket, another pair of chucks, hair brush, toiletries, her journal she occaisionally wrote ina nd a stuffed animal giraffee she'd had since she was three. Everything just fit in. She had to sit on it to get it shut. Kichi almost left before running back up the stairs to get her i-pod, grabbed her tiny suitcase and ran, not before shutting the door behind her. There was no point in locking it. She didn't care about anything in there. All she cared about was in a tiny suitcase. It was sad in a way that all her 16 years could get shut away in a tiny suitcase.

Kichi just walked, not paying attention to where until she eventually stopped. She looked up to see the house that actualy felt like home. The house which contained so much more than she thought and the in essence the very key to everything she ever was and everything she is going to be.

Okay this story is about to take a massive twist or not. It's either gonna go down a very supernatural path of vampires and werewolves or it can go where it was originally going which isn't as insane as that but more rival gang (for lack of a better phrase) to our 6 teenagers. Up to you, either way there's gonna be a twist just depends how far youe willing to follow this story. Vamps/lycans will be much longer and you'll never expect what's going to happen. Or more of our "special kind". Which again has a delicious twist. Let me know darlings. You are muse and I am it's slave.

xoxo Sam
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