Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Elegance,Grace,and Betrayal in A World

Elegance,Grace,and Betrayal in A World

by CherryBlossom1210 1 review

He only slept with women,and then left them as if he had never seen them in his life.Yet,he soon targets a girl who seems to change his thinking more.And this girl is nothing but full of elegance a...

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Warnings: [R] [Y] - Published: 2009-12-15 - Updated: 2009-12-16 - 2375 words

A man walked up to a rail with a sigh,and looked down where people walked chatting happily.The man rolled his eyes annoyingly and leaned on the rail running his hand through his hair.
"Sasuke!",a voice laughed behind him.He looke dbehind him to see one of his friends.
"Ah,Kiba.",Sasuke said.Kiba stood beside him and leaned on the rail as well.
Kiba was a rich man,the age of 19 and very handsome.His hair brown and spikey,with brown eyes and mocha skin.He was Kiba Inuzuka.
Sasuke was another rich man,but richer,and more handsome.He was also 19.His raven hair a jet,black color and dark,onyx eyes.His skin was a creamy color.He was Sasuke Inuzuka.
"So,haven't found the perfect girl for the night yet?",Kiba asked.
"Hn.",Sasuke said.
"Ah,don't give me those one word sentences,if that's what you call them.",Kiba said.These two were sons of high class noble men.And what Kiba meant by the 'woman for the night' was beyond their thinking.Sasuke and Kiba loved women,desired them actually.They slept with them one night,but the next morning was off to the next woman.
"I heard that very find woman were coming.",Kiba smirked.Sasuke smirked at this and sighed.
"Then let us hope that it it true.",Sasuke said.
"Sasuke!Kiba!",a voice called.Sasuke and Kiba's eyes widened as they looked over to eachother.
"Don't say...",Kiba trailed.They stood up straight,and turned to see two young woman walking up to them.These women were their age,but seemed a bit older with all their heavy make-up.
"Dear.",Kiba muttered as the two women now stood in front of them.
"How come I sleep feeling you beside me,then wake to see nothing beside me in my bed?",one asked Kiba.Kiba laughe dnervously scratching his head.
"You already know that my father is a busy man and have me do many jobs for him.",Kiba said.The girl sighed and crossed ehr arms.
"I understand.But how come you did not seek me out?",he continued to talk.Kiba held out his hand to her and she grabbed it,they walked away leaving Sasuke and a girl in front of him.
"So,any excuses?",the girl asked crossing her arms.
"No.",Sasuke said leaning back on the rail cooly.She sighed and then her frown turned into a pouty pupy face.
"Oh,Sasuke!If it weren't for your looks and attitude,I would have given up a long time ago.But you still attract me so.",she said hugging him.
"Yes,yes.",he said.
"Here,I must go.Be sure to seek me out soon.",she said and kissed his lips quickly,before turning and walking off quickly.He sighed and looked up to look around.
"They are here!",a girl suddenly calle dbringing the attention to her.
"The Countess and Master Haruno,and their daughters and son are here!",the girl continued running everywhere.Kiba walked up to Sasuke and Sasuke gave him a questioning look.
"The Countess and Master Haruno and very great friends of our parents.They are the most graceful people you would ever see in your life.Their two daughters,are also elegant.The oldest is our age,and the youngest is about 15.Their son is now grown with a beautiful wife.",Kiba explained and turned as people made a path for a beautiful woman,with ehr arm entwined with a handsome man.They smiled and waved as they passed by everybody.
Behind them came a man who looked much like the Master,and a another beautiful woman with her arms entwined around his,also smiling and waving to the people as they passed by.
"They do seem graceful.",Sasuke murmured.
"Here comes the oldest daughter,I heard she was a very ravishing girl.",Kiba said.A woman came walking by,and it seemed all rumors were ture.
A girl with long brown hair and light brown eyes and a beautiful smile.She wore a long dress ,one arm at her side grabbing her dress as she walked,the other waving to people she passed by following her family.
"My god!She is simply ravishing as they say!",Kiba gasped.
"That's true.So..she you're next target.",Sasuke asked smirking.Kiba looked at him smirking and sighed.
"You know me so well.",Kiba said.
"My god!Lord!How perculiar!",people gasped making Kiba and Sasuke look back at the entrance.
"What's all the fuss about?",Sasuke asked.
"Oh,almost forgot the youngest.Now,that is what really interests me.They say she had the most wierdest looks and there is no girl to look like her.",Kiba said.Sasuke looked at him for a moment,and then back at the entrance.
A girl came walking up the strairs,and looked up to the people with what semeed to be a confused face.
Sasuke's eyes went wide and his mouth parted slightly at what was before him.
Her hair was in a bun,strans framing her face.Yet,her hair was pink!As if the color of the most sweetest and pinkest candy Sasuke had ever tasted.Her eyes looked around at everybody,shining a light and shiny emerald color,with long eyelashes.Her cheeks were rosy,compared to her creamy skin.Her lips then curved into a warm smile.She walke dby everybody nodding as if greaating,both hands holding up her dress lightly as she walked,no,tip-toed seemed like the right word,by all.
"Now,that may a gift from god.",Kibabarely whispered.Sasuke closed his mouth quickly and narrowed his eyes.
"Do you think it is natural,or did she color it?",Sasuke asked.
"Probably colored.",Kiba said.
"Well...I see my next target.",Sasuke said suddenly with a smirk.Kiba smikred looking at him and sighed.
"You may be the devil himself.",Kiba said.And witht hat,he walked off to who his 'target' was.Sasuke,though,kept his eyes on the girl that made her way to the drinks.
"Let us see who you are.",Sasuke murmured,then making his way to her.
The girl grabbed a glass,then pouring fruit punch into it slowly.People continued to stare at her,and she was aware of it,but did not even care to pay attention to what happened so very often.
"Do you always make such anentranc elike that noisy one?",a deep voice said.She looked up quite surprised,and then turned her head to see a devishly handsome man beside her.
She could only stare.He seemed like an angel,one sent to her as a gift.His hair,his eyes,his lips seemed to mermerize her.Espicially his voice.It was so seductive,and smooth,as if dark chocolate.A voice she never heard,and probably will not hear from any other man.
"Hello?",he asked after a moment,making her blush from embarassment.She smiled.
"Well,I wouldn't call it an entrance,but it does happen often.",she said in a light voice.
Her voice surprised him a bit.It was so quiet,but loud.So graceful and elegant,as she looked.Nothing like he had ever heard before.
"How often?",he asked.
"I really don't know.So many times,and there's never anybody who wants to count.",she said with a bright smile showing off white,milky teeth.
"Well,it must because of your hair and eyes.",he said looking away.She swallowed and cleared her throat.
"Yes,I do admit it is unusual.",she said looking down at her drink.
"So,is it really natural od you only color it?",he asked.
"...natural.",she finally answered making him look back at her a bit shocked.Then he smirked and sighed.
"Then that makes you very unique.",he said in his seductive voice making her look back at him with eyes and her cheeks a light pink color.
"You actually think I am unique?",she asked.He sighed and gave her a nod.
"Really,what other girl is incredibly and ravishingly beautiful as if an angel,hair as bright as the happiness of a baby,and eyes as glimmering as the sun?",he asked.She laughed nervously.
"You must really be saying all of that.That cannot be me.",she said taking a sip from her glass after.
"Sure,let us say that.But then..I would be lying.",he said.She looked at him and stared at him for what seemed ot be a long time,with innocent eyes,an innocent blush on her already rosy cheeks,and innocent and warm smile.
"Thank you.I've never been complimented by a man like that.",she said softly.
"Really?I am surprise.I was sure that many men told you this.",he said.
"Men have compared me to stars,the sun,the moon,the sky itself.They've complimented me on my hair,by eyes,my smile,and even my body.But of course,I could see the desire they had for my body in their eyes,in their way of speaking,so I made sure to stay far from them.".she said.
"How old are you?",he asked.
"I am but 15.A young age,I know.You must be past 18.",she said.
"I am only 19.",he said.
"Well,I could already see you are a man now.",she said.
"How?",he asked a bit amused.She was actually interesting to talk to.
"Well,your voice is as strong as any older man's.Your face already devoloped and changed into a handsome face,with many manly features.Your body looks so muscular and built right,and very...",she trailed off starting to go red from what he was saying.
She looked down quickly taking sips from her drink.He looked away now smirking widely with amusement.
"I didn't know you had examined me so clearly.",he laughed.He then noticed it.He was laughing,and he hadn't laughed since he was a young boy.
"Please excuse me for babbling so unnecassarily.I spoke too much for my own knowledge and good.",she said softly.
"It's okay.I'm just surprised you actually noticed all that of me.Women usually just want me because I look handsome,act cooly,or am the son of a rich man.",he said with a shrug looking abck at her.She looked at him and smiled.
"Yes,but I think I notice more than that.
"You know,we haven't even introduced eachother properly.",he said.Her eyes widened and she gasped softly.
"My Gosh!This is the first time that had ever happened in years!My gosh,I am supposed to introduce myself first!Oh,how I am disgraced myself!",she panicked.He laughed and turned himself fully to him for he was standing halfway turned to her leaning on the table.
"My god,just calm yourself.You haven't disgraced yourself at all.And if it makes you happy,then I have disgraced myself as well for not introducing myself first.That then makes us both disgraced.",he laughed.She laughed with him at her embarassment and turned herself fully to him.
"Well,I guess I shouldn't get so overboard with it.I am sorry.I really don't know what has gotten into me,because I've never made such a big mistake.",she said putting her drink down quickly.
"Well then,my name is Sasuke Uchiha.",he said holding out his hand to her.She smiled.
"Well,my name is Sakura Haruno.",she said with a curtsey,then placing her hand on his,which he bent down and kissed softly with his warm lips.She blushed at his wet and warm lips touchng her soft skin,and shivers of pleasure went down her spine.
"Pleasure to meet you,Mistress Sakura.",he said softly against her skin then standing up straight and looking at her in the eyes softly with a smirk.
"oh...",she trailed off absolutely frozen.
"Mistress Haruno...",he trailed off with a bit surprised eyes from her reaction,a smirk no longer on his face.She cleared her throat quickly and smiled laughing nervously.
"I am sorry.But you may call me Sakura.I will then call you Sasuke.",she said.
"Oh,then Sakura.",he said softly.
"I personally think it sounds better then Mistress Sakura.",she laughed.He shrugged and sighed.
"Would you like to come inside?",he asked.
"How?",she asked.
"Sakura,I live here.",he said.
"You live in this large mansion?",she asked.
"Yes.",he answered.She bit her lip in excitement looking up at the mansion,and then looked at him with a smile.She wanted to be a good girl and refuse the invitation,but her curiousity overwhelmed her.
"So,will you come?",he asked.
"Yes.",she said quickly making him smirk.
"Then come with me...Sakura.",he said and held out a hand which she grabbed softly,and then they walked together to the entrance of his house.

Alright,the end of my new story!I hope you gys liked the story.I kind of thought of it suddenly when I was taking a shower and singing to come japanese songs loudly,and I must say,i sing cool!
Nah,I'm not so selfish anmd self-centered.
And,I was grounded because my grades have been going down a bit,which surprised both me and my parents.So,I could only go back on the computer once I got my grades back up.Now,I haven't gotten my report card yet,but my mom let me go on the computer again because she trusts me when I promised her I would bring my grade back up.
So,that's my little grounding of te computer story,
Now back to this story!:p
Review if you would like on it!!I guess I'll have to hope that I get more reviews then I always do on my stories!Please review,I want to hear your opinions on my stories,especially this one,and maybe some new ideas.
Alright,well,this is the end of my begging eben though I'm still begging in my heart.
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