Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Elegance,Grace,and Betrayal in A World

Chapter One

by CherryBlossom1210 0 reviews

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2010-03-08 - Updated: 2010-03-08 - 1168 words

Sakura looked around in awe as they had entered the house.Sasuke kept his eyes on her,a bit amused.
"This house is so large.",she whispered.
"Yes,it goes up to 10 stairs,so it really is hard for a person to walk up and down.",he said.
"Indeed.",she said.
"Well,what do you think of my house?",he asked.
" be honest...I think it is a bit dull.",she answered him.
"Really?What is dull about it?",he asked.
"Well,there seems to be no life in here.The wallpaper on the walls,the furniture,the art you have is all very excellent.But,I do believe that it is all just...boring.",she said.
"Boring?",he said and his smirk widened.
"Yes.It could use a bit more life.",she said.
"Then,Sakura,what do you suggest?",he asked.
"Hmm.",she mumbled as she walked forward to the paintings and furniture in the room."It could have some flowers,here and there.",she said.
"And?",he asked.She continued to go round the room as she looked at the furniture in her room.
"The furniture can be a brighter color than brown.",she said.
"Colors?",he asked.
"Maybe a pearl white,a cherry red,or even a blossom pink.",she said.
"All so of a woman.",he said.
"Well,women do like some colors in their life.",she said without looking at him.
"Alright,then.",he said.
"And,it may use brighter paintings.You have great art,but you can go for pictures of maybe happiness and laughter.",she said.
"Very true,I suppose.For all this decorating throughout the house,you most definitely must thank my father.",h said.She turned her head to him with a smile.
"Did he really decorate your mansion?",she asked.
"Not with his own sweat and tears,but yes.",Sasuke said.
"Then,I think I shall have a word to your father of it.",she said walking back to him.
"My,my.You've been in my house once and already you've started to hate it.",he said.
"Well,I'm not the girl to like such dreary things.I like a little fun in life.",she said.
"And yet,you must restrain yourself or it would dishonor your family.",he said.Her smile turned small quickly,but she kept it on her face.
"If you must say it like that,then yes.",she said.
"Excuse my talking.I did not mean to say such rude things.",he said,noticing her.
"No,it is okay.But it would be great if I can once in a while go out and just have fun by an ocean's shore,or go to a bar and drink like a man,or even hang out with people of lower class.",she said.
"Is your life really that of a bore that you would wish to drink beer with drunken men?",he asked.She noticed his amusement in his eyes,and her smile lfited showing off her white,straight teeth.
"Do excuse what I said.I really didn't mean for it to come out making me look of a mischievous girl.I just wish that my life were simpler.",she said.
"Simpler,huh?",he asked.
"Well,I am thirsty.I will go ahead outside to get myself a drink.",she said.
"Would it be of the lot of talking you put in saying you hate the house?",he asked.She did a small laugh.
"Maybe.",she said.
"Well,I should go then as well.I am parched as well.",he said.
"Of what?",she asked.
"We can keep it a secret and say because of all this talk I made of hatred towards this house.",he said.
"Alright,then.",she said.
"May I take your hand,Sakura?",he asked holding out his hand to hers.
"Why,of course,Sasuke.",she said and lay her hands in his.They walked out of the house talking,as his parents spotted them from far away.
"What a beautiful girl that Sasuke speaks to.",Mikoto,Sasuke's mother said.
"Yes,but who is she?I've heard she was family of Haruno.",Fugaku,Sasuke's father,said.
"Really?Oh,how beautiful.She seems of an elegant and well-mannered girl.",Mikoto said.
"That is what you say of every woman Sasuke speaks with.",Fugaku said.
"But this one seems lke one he may really be interested in.Look at his face.Pure happiness,and not a proud and arrogant smirk,but a smile.",Mikoto said.Fugaku noticed it,but chose to say nothing else.
"So,have you ever been to the ocean?",Sasuke asked.
"No.But I imagine of how beautiful it is for so long.",she said.
"How come?",he asked.Sakura sighed lookng down at ehr drink.
"My father thinks it is very unlady like to go to the ocean bare-footed with a man and all.",she said.
"And why not without a man and not bare-footed?",Sasuke asked.
"I don't like it that way.I want to feel the sand on my feet,and the water reach up to my ankles.",Sakura said looking back up at him with a smile.
"Alright,fine then.",he said.
"What?",she asked.
"I will make you a promise right now.",he said.
"And what exactly is that promise?",she asked.
"I will bring you to sea over the weekand,if you promise to meet me again tomorrow.",he said.
"How could I see you?",she asked.
"Easy.During night,you sneak out as I wait out your window and climb down,and we both run out with the peasants and have fun.",he said.Her smile widened.
"How mischievous,and yet it sounds so tempting.",she said.
"Well,do we have a deal?",he asked.
"Hmmm...fine!I make an oath stating that if I go have fun with you tomorrow night,then you will take me to sea and let me feel sand between my toes.",she said.
"I would do blood for blood,but that is very unlady like.",he said.She nodded,with a small laugh.
"Fine,then we do it the way of children.",he said.
"And that is?",he asked.She flashed her teeth,then holding up a pinky.He laughed at her idea.
"A pinky promise?",he asked.
"Yes!",she said,laughing.
Sasuke smiled,as he watched her laugh.It sounded of a beautiful melody,hitting just the right notes.
"Alright,then.I pinky promise.",he said,then wrapping his pinky around hers.They tightened it and laughed.
"Sakura,dear!",she heard her mother calling.She looked over to see her mother and father and brother and sister-in law and sister waiting for her.
"Well,I suppose I shall take my leave.",she said.
"Well,then,till tomorrow,Sakura.",he said.
"Till tomorrow,Sasuke.",she said and waved bye,then curtsying and turning walking off.He sighed as he watched her leave.She took the last gimpse of him and smiled.
"Till tomorrow.",he whispered.
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