Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > With you by my side I will fight and defend

With you by my side I will fight and defend

by lovingMychem 0 reviews

Frank and Jamia= nothing Mikey and Bert= something Alicia and Jamia= alot Frank and Gerard= everything

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-03-11 - Updated: 2010-03-11 - 759 words

I stood on the Way's doorstep stearing at the door...
Mikey's not home. It's just Gerard. The thought of Me and Gee alone gave me goosebumps... Those Goosebumps you just love.
I inhailed and exhailed, Knocked on the door and started shaking.

"Oh hey Frank. Mikey's not home" Gerard smiled sweetly
"Yeah I know, He's with Bob and Ray. I was wondering if I could talk to you?"

Gee looked at me for a second before steping back from the door alowing me inside.

I sat on one end of the sofa and Gerard on the other.

"So what was it you want to talk about?"
"Well Gerard I think I need help"

His hands went either side of my face.

"Are you on drugs?! Are you self Harming?! Are you an alcoholic?! Why is it always the nice ones!!" He cried waving his hands in the air.
Made me laugh a bit.

"NO! Gerard, none of the above."
"Oh" he said cooly before brushing himself off and sitting back on the sofa.
"Continue" He smiled nodding his head.

"Well, It's Jamia, I dont love her anymore" I said looking down.
"Woah... Thats pretty heavy shit" Gerard said turing to face me.
"How do you know this?" He asked.

"Someone else has helped me with it"
"How do you mean Frank?"
"I'm in love with someone else... Not Jamia"
"Oh... Okay well I think its time to call it quits with her"
"I know that! I just dont know how to do it"
"How to dump someone?"
"Yeah. I've never done it before"
"Oh... Dumping virgin" He smiled to himself

"Gerard! this is serious. I dont want to lead her on."
"Okay.. Okay" He said
"Well You need to sit her down, Tell her you really did have fun being with her but you've both growen up and its probably about time you move on"

I sat there nodding.

"Because nobody wants an ex out for revenge. Then tell her you really wish you can still be friends"
"O....Kay then" I said feeling puzzled.

"Yeah Frank?"
"How come you've stayed single since Bert?"
"Im not sure. I just haven't felt the need to move on." He shrugged.
"If you found the right person do you think you'd move on?"
"Absolutely" Gee smiled

"Is it hard seeing Bert and Mikey together?"
"At first it was.. But now I know Bert makes Mikey happy, and Mikey makes Bert more happier then I ever could"
I nodded.

My phone began to play Astro Zombies. It made me blush abit.
I looked at the I.D

"Jamia?" Gerard asked
I just nodded.

I opened my phone and before I said hello I had Jamia yelling at me.
Gerard pulled a face and left.

"Frank! why did it take you so long to answer your phone?! Where are you? Who are you with?"
"Sorry, It took a while to get it. I'm at Mikeys-"
"He's not home so why are you there?"
"I'm um, hanging with Gerard"
"Oh With your boyfriend? God Frank get over him, He dosen't like you! you're just wasting your time... He knows about your crush and thinks your pathetic!
I want to see you now!"

"Well you'll have to wait. I'm busy"
"Now Frank!"

I threw my phone against the wall as tears spilled from my eyes.

"Frank what's wrong?" Gerard asked kneeling infront of me
"I hate her so fucking much" I choked out

"I could hear her from the kitchen" Gerard wispered.
"You did?" I asked my cheeks burning red.
"Yeah.. And I dont think your pathetic eather"
"I would if I were you"
"Cause she's right, Gerard. I think Im going to go now"
"No! you cant" He quickly yelled
"I made you a hot chocolate"
"You did?"
"Yeah... And I dont think you should waste it" He smiled

Me and Gerard sat at the table in awkward scilence sipping on hot chocolate.

Once we finished we continued to sit at the table.

"When are you gonna dump her?"
"Uh Tonight or tomorrow morning"
"so your positive about this? Theres no going back once its done"
"Nah I know.. I think I should go now. Have dinner, then find Jamia"
"Okay" He smiled standing up and walking me to the door.
"If you ever wanna come back then you can" He smiled again giving me a hug.

To start with it put me into shock then I realized how much it felt right.

I felt like me and Gerard felt right.
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