Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > With you by my side I will fight and defend

Don't wanna be seen with a type like you

by lovingMychem 0 reviews

How well will Jamia take the break up?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2010-03-11 - Updated: 2010-03-11 - 418 words

I sat at the dinner table just thinking about Gerards hug..
It was so beautiful.

"Frank! are gonna eat your dinner or just play with it?!" Dad yelled.
"Sorry.. Just got alot on my mind at the moment Dad" I said pushing the cabbage into my mouth
"Like what?"
"It's nothing major.. Just school stuff"
"Well dont bring it up then and eat the dinner your Mom slaved over the stove to make you"
"Yes Dad"

My Dads such an asshole... I fucking hate his guts!
Once I finished dinner I headed up to my room, Text Jamia to meet me at the end of the road and put my favorite jacket on

I walked down the stairs to find Dad yelling at my Mom.. It was an everyday thing.

"And where do you think your going?"
"Just to see Jamia"
"Oh! well thats okay then"

Dad didn't have a problem if I went to see Jamia.. My Dad and her Dad are best friends.

I slamed the door shut and walked at a fast pace to the end of my road.
I saw Jamia standing there.

"Hey Baby" She smiled.
"Jay, We have to talk"
"Okay.. Lets walk"
"No. I've got something to say then I'm going somewhere"
"Okay. What is it?"
"Jamia, I think we should break up"
"I want to break up with you.. I dont love you anymore.. I'm really sorry but I know you'll find someone who deserves you enough"

It seemed as if smoke was flaming out her ears.

"You want to break up with me?"
"Yeah.. I dont think we're working out anymore. Sorry"

I turned to walk back the way I came when she grabed my arm and spun me around.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" I yelled causing a few house lights to turn on.

She slaped me hard across the face.
I heard it... And it stung like a wasp.

It was so hard I found myself on the ground.
I picked myself up and looked her in the eyes.

"Fuck you Jamia"
"No Frank, Fuck you.. Or Fuck Gerard"

"Your nothing but a worthless, Slut whos done nothing but waste my time!" I spat in her face

I turned around and walked as fast as my legs could possiably carry me and walked right past my house.
I didn't know where I was going but recognized the street.

Gerards street.

Sorry this chapters so short, I didn't know where I wanted to go with it.
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