Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > With you by my side I will fight and defend

When I'm alone, Time goes so slow

by lovingMychem 0 reviews

Franks at a loss of what to do, So he goes to Gerard..

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2010-03-11 - Updated: 2010-03-11 - 387 words

I found myself back on that famous porch I'd been on not long ago.
Not sure what to do I just slid down the door and sat with my head in my knees.

My face was still so fucking painful.
I ran my hand over it and jumped because it hurt so much.

I heard a noise and went flying backwards.

"What are you doing here?"
"I came to see you"
"No I mean what are you doing outside?"
"Well I didn't know weather to come in or not"

Gerard put his hand out for mine.

"Come inside"

Once we were inside he turned to look at me.

"what the fuck happened to your face?"
"Jamia didn't take it too well"
"Fucking whore!"
"It doesn't matter now"
"Yes it does! she shouldn't get to hit you and get away with it"

"We'll put some ice on it" He said leading me to the kitchen.
I sat on a chair as Gerard dug through the freezer.

"Gerard?" I asked as he put ice on my cheek causing me to jump up abit.
"Yeah Frank?"
"Why are you being so nice to me?"
"Just am"
"But why?"
"Gotta look after the things you like" He smiled taking the ice of my face and drying it.


Was that him confessing he likes me?
I could see his lips moving but couldn't hear him.

"Frank?! Hellooooooo are you there?"
"Huh? yeah sorry"

"Are you okay?"
"Did you say you liked me?"
"Well yeah who wouldn't?"
"Loads of people"
"Well then their stupid" He smiled

Oh, He ment as a friend... Jamia was right about one thing.. I wanted Gerard and Couldn't have him.

"What you doing tonight Frank?"
"Nothing.. Going home getting yelled at then playing with Pansy"
"So a normal night?" He joked

"You wanna crash here?" He asked turning back to the fridge.
"Yeah, I mean just cause your Mikey's best friend doesn't mean your not my friend at all"
"W-would you mind?"
"Not at all.. Its kinda lonley here alone"
"Oh.. I guess I'll ring Mom and Dad"
"Sure thats a good idea?" He asked
"Uhh Probably not" I giggled.

"you can borrow my clothes.. I know your a clean freak and all" He smiled again.

God his smile made me melt inside.
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