Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > With you by my side I will fight and defend

You know I would wait forever

by lovingMychem 0 reviews

Frank gets some shocking news when he's awoken by his bestfriend, Mikey.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-03-11 - Updated: 2010-03-11 - 489 words

"are you sure Mikey wont mind me sleeping in his bed?"
"Course not"
"Okay. Well if you want anything just hollar"
"Will do Gee"
"Night Frankie"
"Night Gee" I wispered as he pulled the door shut

I lay in bed listening to the now pouring rain.
I flicked Mikeys lamp on and looked at the pictures sourrounding his walls.

The first I saw was Elena... Gosh how I missed her.
Elena wasn't my Grandma but she was as close as I had to one.
Of course I had Moms Mom and Dads Mom but they didn't like me because of my 'Devil Music' but then I had Elena.
The woman I would go crying to when something happened.
She took me in and hung out with me... I miss her so.
Cant even imagen how Mikes and Gee feel.

Next pictures I saw was my 14th birthday.
Had it with the Ways.. Great day and night. We all got shitfaced, I confessed my feelings for Gerard, Told everyone how I felt about Gerard
including Jamia. Turns out she wasn't drunk and remembered the whole thing.

Next picture, Me, Gee and Mikey. I'd just woken up so I looked like shit. I had my head on Gerards shoulder as he wraped an arm around my waist.
I still remember that feeling. God I wish I could have it all the time.

I heard Gerards beautiful voice.. Damn could he sing, Elena and Donna tought him so much.

"we cant even look at you this way, But I did, And I love you just the same
When you go would you even turn to say
I dont love you
Like I loved you yesterday"

God he was so talented.
Bert aswell. They can just sit down, write something, then sing it and it sounds like its on a record.
I dont mind waiting for Gerard... I'd wait for the rest of my life if I knew I could have him for a day.

I closed my eyes and thought of Gerard singing.

"Frank, Frank wake up!"
"Fuck off Mikey!" I slurred
"MIKEY!" My eyes shot open and I leaped out of bed hugging him.

"Its good to see you too Frank" he smiled
"Sorry, I hope you dont mind me sleeping in your bed. Gee said-"
"I know, Gee explained it all"
"He did?"
"And Im real sorry about Jamia"
"nah.. I dont care"

"But atleast you got Gee now"
"Yeah... Wait what?!"
"You and Gerard.. He told me"

What did he tell him?

"What excatly did Gee tell you?"
"About you and Him. Im really happy about it.. to know your gonna make my brother happy from now on"
"Mikey... Can you please ask Gerard to come in here?"
"sure thing bro"

Again, sorry its so short. The next chapter coming at you soon.
What do you think of this story so far? let me know. Love ya x
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