Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > With you by my side I will fight and defend

With you I'm complete, With out you, I'm nothing

by lovingMychem 1 review

So Gee and Frankie are together now? Well lets just see how the two teenage boys feel about it all.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-03-11 - Updated: 2010-03-11 - 604 words

I sat in Mikeys bed... Completely dumbfounded.
Did Gerard really mean it? or was he just playing around.

"Hey Frankie"
"I know I shouldn't have told Mikey that but I thought if I told Mikey you'd say yes"
"Gerard I'd say yes anyway"
"I know and I'm really sorry for not asking yo- Wait what?"
"I'd say yes"
"You would?"

I nodded my head.

I reached out my hand for Gerards and he took it.
We looked into each others eyes for a few seconds before I went up on my tippy toes and pushed my lips onto Gerards.
It felt like I was starting to sweat but this is everything I'd ever wanted.. I had everything I wanted in my arms at this moment.

Gerard pulled away and cause me to let out a little moan.. I wasn't ready for all this to happen. Him to pull away I mean.
I stood there with the goofyest smile spread across my face.

"How long Frankie?" Gerard asked as he pulled me onto his knees on the bed where I'd just slept

"Have you liked me?"
"Since Mikey brought me home to meet you" I confessed.
"Thats when I was still with Bert"
"Yeah, I know Gerard"
"Always knew you had a thing with me"
"You did?"
"Yip" Gerard wispered.

"The way you'd look at me. I'd never seen anybody look at anyone like that"
"Oh.. never noticed that"
"I did... It use to fuck Bert off so bad"
"It did?"
"No wonder he hated me"
"Never hated you Frankie, just didnt like you" He smiled into my neck.
"I understand"

"So how about we go make some breakfast and do something?"
"Yeah alright Gee"

Gerards hand found mine as we walked downstairs

"So its true?" Bert questioned
"Sure is" Gerard answered.
"Knew it would happen one day" he smiled

I stood in the kitchen as Gerard talked to Bert.

"So we could be like brothers now" Mikey smiled
"Oh my god! how kick ass would that be?!"
"That would be so fucking amazing"

Green Day, Basket Case began to play.

"I fucking love this song!" Mikey smiled before starting to sing

"I am one of those melodramtic fools-"
"Mikey... Its your phone" I smiled.

Im sure he went as red as a Tomatoe.

"Hey Ali" He smiled.

Alicia.. Mikeys best friend other than Gerard, Me, Bert, Bob and Ray.

"You do?!"

"I can't believe that"

"No, Im happy for you, just didn't know she was that way inclined"

"Uhh Yeah. Does he know?"

Yeah, Im gonna stop listening now.

I sat on the couch watching Family Guy.

"want Pancakes Frankie?" Gee asked
"Uhh Yeah, I'll help"
"No. I'll be fine"
"Okay Gee" I smiled

I heard Mikey and Gee wispering to each other

"No fucking way!" Gee yelled
"Mikey.. Dont fucking shhhh me!"
"Sorry Gee"

Gerard sat next to me taking my hand.

"What is it Gee? whats happened?"
"Its Alicia-"
"Oh yeah?"
"And Jamia"
"...What about them?" I asked.

What if Alicia went after Jay?

"They kind of go out"
I began choking on air.

"dont die!" Mikey screamed slapping me on the back.
"Thanks for that bro" I said once I'd fiished my air attack.
"H-how though? Jamia hates gays.. Shes the biggest phobe I fucking know"
"I know but shouldn't you be happy for them?" Gerard asked taking my hand in his.
"Yeah.. But I dont know what I feel... Its angry mixed with happy"
"Understandable" Gerard nodded.

Will write to you soon, Some more chapters to come your way.
Thanks for reading, Love, Britxxxx
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