Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > With you by my side I will fight and defend

Running away and hiding with you

by lovingMychem 0 reviews

Can a Father really hate his own Son for being gay? apparently, he can

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2010-03-11 - Updated: 2010-03-12 - 711 words

I sat at the table waiting for Dad to get home before we had dinner

"So.." Mom smiled.
"So what?"
"I hear you and Jamia broke up"

Fuck... she heard about that

"Does Dad know?"

Moms head nodded slowly

"He's disappointed"
"Well its not his choice! it's mine!"
"I know love"
"Is there any reason you decided to break it off?"
".. She's gay" I said looking down at the table.
"So its got nothing to do with your crush on Gerard?"

How the fuck does she know about that?

"H-How do you know?"
"I didn't, But now I do" She smiled.
"Thats not fair Mom!" I laughed.
"How about we keep this from your Dad for a while?"
"Yeah thanks Ma" I smiled just as Dad walked in slaming the door behind him.

"You little fucking cunt. How could you do that? the Nestors are amazing people. You should have felt so privlaged to even get a chance with one of them!"
my Dad yelled milimeters away from my face.

"Dad! you don't understand" I wispered.
"I understand, I understand really well" He answered pushing me against the wall.
"Do you know what you are Frank? What your sexuality is?"
"Its fucking embarrasing!" He finished before I got a chance to answer.

"Yeah! well fuck you old man! this is my life I will live it how ever the fuck I please. Im on this earth to be me! not to impress any fucking one!"
I screamed at him.
Im glad I did.
But I wish I didn't

Dads closed fist collided with my cheek.

"Get out of my sight before I kill you, you fucking gay"

I did excatly that.

I ran to my room pulling my draws out.

looked through my phone to find a message from Mikey but there wasnt one so I had to go into my phone book

'Mikes, can u or G cum get me plz. Dad jst hit me & told me 2 gt owta his syte.'

I sat my phone back on my bed and continued to get all my stuff into my bags.
Tears now streaming down my face.

"With just a touch of my burning hand
I’m gonna live my life to destroy your world
Prime direct-"

"Frankie, Are you okay?"
"Yeah Gee, I'm fine"
"No your not, Your crying"
"Mikeys on his way to get you okay?"
"okay Gee"
"I'll see you soon?"

I hung up.

With Pansy in her case next to my door, My bags on my bed the only thing left was the picture of me and Gee.
Christmas, 2000
Gerard got me Pansy. I was so happy I cried.

I was lost in the photo.
I love Gerard so fucking much, He truely means everything to me.

"Frank!" I heard Mikey yell.

I stuck my head out the window to find the skinny boy I happen to call my best friend, standing in the rain.

"Come on man lets get you out of here"

I went to my bed throwing three of my bags out the window.

"Be down in a sec Mikey"

I wiped my eyes.
Picked Pansys case up by the handle.
Breathed in
And walked out my bed room door.

"And just where the fuck do you think your going?"
"I'm getting out of your sight remember Dad? like you said"
"No! your not leaving"
"Yes I am. I'm embarrasing so I'll leave you to live a life in where its all propaganda. Fuck you. Good bye"

I turned to Mom who was also crying.

I wrapped my arms around Moms neck.

"I love you Mom"
"Love you too Frankie"
"I'll keep in contact with you, Promise"
"You'd better" We wispered to each other.

"You make me sick!" I yelled at Moms husband before walking out to Gerards car.

"Hey Frankie" Mikey smiled and gave me a hug.
"'ey Mikes" I said holding back tears.
"Thats a pretty big bruise youv'e got there"

... Fuck I didnt even think to check

"Yeah, he hit me pretty hard"
"You freaked me and Gee out pretty badly"

.. Damn.

"Sorry I didn't mean to"
"Its cool Frankie, lets get you the fuck out of here" Mikey smiled holding the car door open for me.
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