Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > With you by my side I will fight and defend

Just the two of us and we'll be fine

by lovingMychem 1 review

Follow on from last chapter.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-03-11 - Updated: 2010-03-12 - 256 words

We'd pulled into the drive way to find Gerard sitting on the steps smoking.
I smiled instantly when I saw him.

"You really do love him dont you?"
"More then anything in this world" I smiled getting out to see Gee.

"Frankie!" He cried rushing over to me.

"Hey Gee" I wispered wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Hey beautiful" he wispered back.

His hands took hold of my hips.

"I hope you know I'm never letting you go back there"
"Not untill Dads gone?"

Gerards hand took mine as he lead us inside.

"That bruise is pretty bad" Gerard said taking a closer look at it.
"Yeah, I didn't even know it was there untill Mikey told me"
"Fucking cunt" Gerard said before handing me hot chocolate.
"Who? Mikey?"
"No, Your Dad"
"Oh yeah" I smiled.

"So... What did you say to deserve that?" Gerard asked looking over the rim of his cup.
"Just told him to fuck himself and that I'm here to be myself and not impress anyone" I said.
"Well Frankie, Your Dads a dick."
"Yeah I know that much Gee" I smiled again.

"Have you eaten Frank?" Mikey asked from the couch.
"No, I don't believe I have"
"Well then, Pizza Hut it is" He smiled walking towards the door.

Gerard smiled then took my hand.

"Gee" I giggled
"Shhh!!! people might think I've got my hand down your pants" He smiled pulling me against his chest.
"Oh now wouldn't that be a tradgic" I said kissing his lips quickly.
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