Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > With you by my side I will fight and defend

Pizza Hut anyone?

by lovingMychem 1 review

Gerard and Frank get set up by Mikey :)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-03-14 - Updated: 2010-03-16 - 333 words

Me and Gerard walked into Pizza Hut behind Mikey..
Gees hand interlocked with my own...

I couldn't help but think everyone was looking at my black eye... That or they were stearing at me and Gerard...

"Gee, Everyones looking"
"Who cares"

I walked along behind Gee...

"What do you want?"
"Everything!" I smiled looking at all the salad

"Right.. Go sit down" Mikey said towards me and Gee.

"Where ya wanna sit Gee?"

He scaned the room....

"Over...." He continued to look... Tryna look for a table away from people and light.
"There!" He said as he pulled me into a darkened booth.

"Did ya have to pick the darkest one?" I asked sliding in next to him..

He gave me a look that praticly ment

'look at me... I'm Gerard fucking Way!'

"Yeah.. okay I should have knowen" I said to him again..
Mikey returned letting us know we could go and eat.

"Well, you gonna get up so we can eat?" Gerard asked playfuly pushing me..

I did just as Gee wanted by walking over to all the pizza, salad, dessert, chips, garlic bread and drinks....

"Looks all yummy" I smiled at Gerard
"Sure does"

Me and Gee filled our plates and went back to the table..
when we got there, Mikey was nowhere to be seen.

"uhh Mr Way?" A guy asked wearing a Pizza Hut uniform asked.
"Thats me" Gerard spoke up..
"Your brother asked me to give you this" He said handing over a piece of paper and car keys

I looked over Gerards shoulder as he began reading the paper.

'Big brother, Congradulations you have been set up... Have a nice date with Frankie.. Maybe a home run on the first date? cause I'm not at home. :)... Have fun.. you too Frankie. love you both... Mikey xoxo'

"Damn.. Hes good" I smiled at Gerard.
"Sure is" He smiled back

Hope ya like this chapter... Lemme know what ya think.. R&R?
Love, Brit xoxo
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